In The Dawn's Early Light

I am an unapologetic morning person. My best hours for thinking and doing things are from 4-10 in the morning, and my energy crashes about 2 pm most days. I am usually pretty tired until about midnight when I get another rush of energy. Most of the time, though, I am sleeping at the midnight hour so I don't really take advantage of my morning-ness the way I could...if I didn't love sleeping!

I have been awake since about 2 am this morning. Rather than trying to fall back asleep (and failing like I always do - once I'm up, I'm up), I decided to get up and enjoy the morning. So, I have been sitting at the computer, in the darkness (except for the computer screen) for a little over two hours now. The sunrise hasn't started yet, but it will in about an hour, so I have some more time to sit in the semi-darkness and enjoy the quietude. Come to think of it, there may not be much of a dawn since it was raining when I awoke and may not be done - can't tell right now.


I find that working with people takes lots of energy at times when I am not primed to have that much energy. I have a friend who thrives and has the most energy in the afternoons and late night hours. We took a couple of trips together and it was an interesting experience. I wake up early (no matter what) and then had to figure out how to keep my brain active while not interrupting her sleep. I am really good at hiding behind the hotel curtains while using my laptop or my book with the flashlight. It is somewhat ridiculous, but I hate being the cause of someone else not getting the sleep they want.

Now is the time when I can organize my thoughts, plan my day, come up with things to say about all sorts of stuff. I catch up with the outside world in the early morning hours. Need to hear from me? Chances are I will respond in the wee small hours because that is when I am sitting at my computer and getting ready to think about things. I hope that my emails don't wake you from your slumbers...

If I could find a job where I could work from 4-noon daily, I think I would be very productive, but those types of jobs (with other humans) are few and far between. Perhaps my working from home experiment would have gone better if I had fully embraced this concept rather than trying to force my productiveness into my regularly scheduled work hours. I wonder if there is a way to try that out without completely wrecking the job that I have right now... I do have three day weekends at the

It is time to set my intentions for today. I made progress on my desk yesterday - cleared out the file thingies and moved most of the clutter from the desktop. I did not do it all, so the top focus as soon as there is enough light to see is to complete the desk clearing task. I spent time with my journals yesterday, setting my aspirations for the next three months. I'm struggling with all of this because while I can set magnificent goals for myself, I am not motivated to complete them AT ALL during the three months. I am trying something a bit different to see if reframing my mindset will help with getting things done. The dishes need some attention, and I need to figure out laundry and start packing. I need to hit the Dollar store for some trip treats and figure out meals for the next several days without going to the grocery store. I am thinking I may make a big food delivery order from my local Chinese food place. That could work.

So, dishes, desk, and meal planning. Those are the intentions on this dark early morning. Oh, and there needs to be a shower in there as well...

Good morning! 


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