Humidity Tired

I am not a fan of summer. Never have been, probably never will be, ESPECIALLY as I live in a humid environment which wreaks havoc on my breathing. My mom likes to tell a story of me as a toddler. Mom asked if I wanted to take a walk (we lived in Temple, Texas at the time). I looked outside the window and said, "Nope, sun's out." I have never really been all that fond of summer.

I am currently almost as medicated as I can possibly be for this humid environment. Allergy medications? Check. Inhaler? Check. Nebulizer? Not yet - can't nebulize and drive, so I have to wait until I get to work to do that medicating. Through it all, I am having to sing in a mask in a room that is not being well air conditioned (though the bathrooms and the closet [yep, THAT closet] are plenty cold. This has been an interesting week of music therapy with challenges that are pretty unique to me. Another music therapist would not have these same struggles - that's for sure.

So, I am struggling to take in every breath, am trying to calculate the best times to nebulize without interrupting music therapy sessions to get it done, and am wandering around in a haze of internal sensations that just make things a bit more difficult during this time of year. The good news for me is that my brain has settled down after the revelations of Tuesday's meetings and situations. The bad news is that I am not extremely interested in starting the task that I know I have to do which is taking things out of my office!

image: middle-aged woman staring into the camera with flat affect.
Tired. So tired.
I know that this is going to happen every year. I plan for it to happen and yet it still gets to me. This has been the hottest week so far this summer season and it has only been in the 90's (Fahrenheit, my international lovelies!), so the worst is yet to come. Yesterday was only 45% humidity and it was a rough day to breathe. Grass pollen is very high right now so my lungs are trying their best to protect us all by closing up. It's a no-win type of situation that makes my job - singing -  more and more difficult. Add that mask on top of it all, and I am just done!

Today's sessions include three 30 minute groups and one individual. After that, my weekend starts and I can medicate as much as I need to without being concerned about hurtling down the freeway while under the influence of asthma medication. I can also stay in my air-conditioned house as much as I need to so I am able to breathe. I am also going to move the air mattress into the cooler front room as a sleeping option to the warmer back room - just in case. I am looking forward to this weekend - I have an online conference meeting and that is about all that is scheduled for me. I can do some work around here because the laminating is all finished. I have a couple of subscription boxes coming in the next couple of days, and I am finally getting a new ice maker today! I will be able to have ice cold drinks whenever I want again. That is a luxury that I appreciate to my very core!

Enough blathering about all this. I am tired. I am having difficulty breathing. I am constantly feeling hot. I have to remember to put the nebulizer and the medication in my way out the door so I won't forget it (again). Happy Thursday, everyone!


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