A Good Week

I am reflecting on the week that was, and I'm finding that things went pretty well this week. Nothing to complain about except for having difficulty breathing and then being around people using scented products in all areas of my life which triggered additional breathing problems. Other than that, things went well. I mean, there was that one group where half of the students slept through music therapy, but the other half LOVED everything we did in the session. Perhaps I shouldn't pick too much at this idea that it was a good week...the illusion might shatter. That would not be good.


I feel that this was a good week. I spent time medicated more than usual - I wonder if that had something to do with it all. My body was struggling for breath, but I was still able to do my job in a pretty good way. I tried things that I would not have tried without some inspiration from my intern - that was good. 

I accepted intern #33 and that person accepted the position right back. #33 will be starting in January about 2 and a half months after #32 leaves the program which means that I will have that time to get comfortable in my music therapy skin again. This is purposeful.

While I love being a mentor to interns, I often feel that I need a reset back to full out clinician mode in order to be a good mentor. I have had several stints where I had three continuous years of being an internship director, and being out of the session leadership role for that long really adds challenges to my well-being. I have to be doing the job that I love - being a music therapist is vastly different from teaching and coaching others to be music therapists - in order to be able to support the growth of others in the manner that I feel is most effective for them and for my clients. 

Over the years of being an internship director, I have learned that I need to take breaks every so often from being in the ID role in order to refresh my own love for music therapy. I schedule those in as I can. I had several applicants for a June/September type position this year, but I am exhausted. I decided against having a position opening because of that exhaustion. Now I am regretting that decision because intern #32 would have really benefited from having another intern around, but the decision was made and it is too late now to change my mind. In addition, I have to remember that my own creative and professional health is more important to the future of my program than whether every single opportunity is full.

I know that internships have struggled over the past two years due to the global pandemic and that there are many students are waiting for internships. I feel a bit guilty about not offering all the positions that I could, but again, I have to be able to be the therapist for a bit of time in order to continue to be an ID at all. That's my reality.

I have positions available for the 2022 calendar year. I am considering accepting another intern in January 2022. I've had two simultaneously before - that has it's own challenges that usually include four months of me sitting and watching instead of doing therapy - not all that good for me, but something I can do if I have to. I would make that sacrifice for the good of music therapy students. We will see. For now, though, I am going to look forward to my internship hiatus for the last quarter of 2021, enjoy the rest of the time with intern #32, and get ready for intern #33.

This was a good week. I hope that yours was as good, if not better!! 


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