Five More Weeks

There are five more weeks of school for this term before a week and half off and then back to the summer school grind. Thirty-two days between me and a bit of time off. That seems both brief and like an eternity at the exact same time.

In the next five weeks, I have an intern to get into a caseload and routine, students to sing and play instruments with, and a house to pack up...just in case. I put an offer in on a house last night. We will see if it is accepted and if it is, then I will kick into high gear with the packing and arrangements and a storage space to put boxes in to hold until the house is ready to accommodate the leasing agent coming in and showing the apartment. If it isn't accepted, then I will keep going on my quest to find a new place to live.

I am tired this morning. I accidentally took a nap late yesterday afternoon, and that messed with my sleep patterns last night. I am dragging myself around today after tossing and turning all night. I even laid in my bed with my eyes closed for an entire hour after my alarm light went on, justifying the thought of some extra time by remembering that I am at work early every single day and that I leave work late almost every day. If I end up at work on time, then hooray for me!

Today I need to call my OTs to find out if I need to come in this week or wait until my next doctor's appointment. I will also be checking my email today off and on to see if there is any news from the realtor.

Only five more weeks to go. that is 10 more sessions for most of my groups and five more sessions for some of my groups. That is a total of 100 sessions in 25 work days. When I start to think about the upcoming time, it helps me to think about it in terms of sessions. I can come up with five more weeks of things to do with my clients. I will be giving up some of those sessions responsibilities to my current intern, so I will not even be leading all of those sessions. In fact, I should only have session responsibilities for about two-thirds of those sessions in the way that I get clients and interns accustomed to each other. Even better.

At some point, I will be getting a Promethean board for my room - and new carpeting as well...or, at least, that's what I've been told. I get told lots of things that never really happen, but I still hope.

Five more weeks. I can do this. I really, really can! 


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