Finger Drama, Having to Re-Do Session Strategies, and All That Noise!

There was no post yesterday because I have recently enjoyed [sarcasm] my first ever Cortisone shots. Yep. I've managed to go for my entire life without this particular [more] pleasure. Let me tell you, I am NOT a fan, but I am assured that this should make my fingers a bit less likely to click when I am trying to use them, so...

The problem with it all is that it is difficult to play a guitar when your fingers have swollen to the point where you cannot bend them to even 45 degrees. I had to figure out what to do with my clients yesterday that did not involve playing instruments - and frankly, that avoided having to move my hand at all. I figured that it was time for a movie day, so that's what we did. Disney movies to the rescue - I love Disney musicals and Pixar shorts and older Disney Silly Symphonies for these types of days. If asked, I can justify showing these movies within my medium of music, and my clients get them. We were watching Mickey and the Beanstalk yesterday and clients were laughing and responding at the perfect times. There is just something about how Disney puts together these things that make them something universal. My personal favorites are the Pixar shorts since most of them are music driven. My favorite is called "Inner Workings," and I use it when I am talking about professional burn-out to illustrate what self-care really means.

That's it for today. My fingers are still hurting a bit, so I am going to practice self-care and move into other things.

Thank you so much for reading - by the way, if you have signed up for the RSS feed of this blog, it looks like it is going away. I am going to try to figure out how to migrate folks from one feed to another, but it may take some time. Thank you for your patience as I am trying to figure everything out. 


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