Delayed Gratification: AKA, Getting Tickets to Something Back in February for an Event that Doesn't Happen Until Tonight!

Tonight is the night! The long-awaited, "it's finally here" event that I have been anticipating for a very long time is tonight. I have to remember to leave work at an early (for me) time so I can get into the presentation with time to spare!

So, what has me in such a fan-girl tizzy? Well, I get to listen to two women talk about books tonight - The Bloggess and Felicia Day!! I am thrilled that I was able to get a ticket and that I listened to my heart when it said, "This is something that you need to do."

I am hoping that this will be fun and engaging.

This has been a good example of delayed gratification for me. I bought an event ticket several months ago, and the day is finally here. I have forgotten about this appointment several times, but I put it in my planner, so...

I am hoping that my copy of The Bloggess' new book will be at my door when I get home this evening, but I think it is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. 

SQEEEE - sorry, fan-girl moment!!

The Bloggess is someone that I admire for several reasons - she is very honest about her life and all the things that go along with it - depression, various illnesses, life situations - she is also pretty funny. She shares about her severe anxiety with us all - including when she has to find "caves" to calm before speaking events. Her honesty helps me be a bit more honest about my own struggles with anxiety and depression as well as finding ways through these things. While I have never surprised anyone with a giant metal chicken on the front door, I can appreciate a mind that sees all sorts of possibilities where others do not!

Felicia Day is also someone that I enjoy. Her work (that I know about) often has her cast as either the quiet, passionate nerd type or the surprisingly ferocious rebel. I have encountered her in shows like Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog, and The Guild. She was also in Dollhouse. She is also an author, but I have not read her book yet. Perhaps I will order it after this evening. I can get it through The Bloggess' bookstore. That might be a good idea, come to think of it...

This evening is my chance to relax and enjoy something that has made an influence on how I see the world. I cannot wait!

It is time to go to work so I can finish work and then come back here to listen to Jenny and Felicia (I feel like I already know them - after all, Jenny Lawson follows me on Twitter [for some strange reason]) talk about all things Broken. I cannot wait, but I have to until the event starts...delay of gratification in action! 


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