Catching Up on a Saturday Morning

It is currently 5:19 am, and I am watching YouTube videos while planning my later morning and trying to figure out how to do some things with my Instagram channel - something I am perplexed about on a regular basis. One of my personal goals for this next quarter is to be a bit more purposeful about posting things on my music therapy Instagram channel - musictherapyworkslandaker - so that I can continue to share the things that I have to offer the music therapy world out there. Today's post was a link to the blog post from yesterday, so readers here already know what's in my April box!! Whoo-hoo!

Yesterday was a long day, but a good one. Clients did what I asked, we made some fun music together, I finished some of my goals for the day and found some satisfaction in finishing things that have long gone unfinished. Back to quarterly goals again - I have decided that I want to use my work hours more productively, so I am going to work on TME development, visual aid completion, and professional reading as part of my work days now - purposefully. I finished the first book of the year yesterday and had great satisfaction in the completion of that text. It is now finished!! Time to select the next one. I'm not sure what I will pick, but I think I will avoid the Bruscia texts for the moment. I need something a bit easier for me to navigate, so...

Off I go to the shelves!

Here are the books that came into my hands... Games and Songs of American Children by William Wells Newell, Music and Your Mind: Listening with a New Consciousness by Helen Bonny and Louis Savary, and A Journey Into Creative Music Therapy by Clive Robbins. This one is Volume Four of the Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Monograph Series. So much for "easier to navigate." I think I will start with the book by Newell and dive into some American songs and games. After that, I think the Robbins book will be good, and I will save Bonny/Savary until later. There! Decision made and something else to check off in my professional bullet journal! I will even go so far as to put the Bonny book back on the shelf rather than in my backpack!!

I decided to give myself a break with the Sunday School video today and shared another resource rather than making my own. If someone comes through and sends me a reading then I will change my mind, but I am liking the idea of being able to head out into the world to do some banking and then, maybe, some frivolous shopping. I have to go get some acid reflux medication anyway, so it is looking like a good day to head out early to get some errands done.

I sang at the Good Friday service last night - 25 verses of various hymns! The pastor initially thought that I would alternate the readings with him, but he did realize that he had assigned me LOTS of singing so didn't even suggest it to me! I think I've trained him well!! Ha! I love the Good Friday service the most of all of the services that I have led and participated in over the years. There is something about being reminded about the end of something important through extinguishing light until everything is in darkness. My favorite part is to arrive at the church before dawn and let the sunlight be the first light in the church on Easter morning. I will get to the church early on Sunday so I can open the front doors before turning on the lights in the sanctuary - my own little ritual, but one that I love.

Today, though, will be dedicated to getting some things finished. I need to update some of the information with my financial planner. I need to clean, of course, and I have some tasks to do for my website update scheduled for the end of this month. Today's task is to make a master list of my YouTube links so I can include them on the site. I will talk to my mom and my sister at some point. I want to get some more of my carpet to show through my stuff, so it is time to finish this part of my day up in order to get going.

It is 5:47 am on Saturday morning. Thanks for reading, and if you use Instagram, please check out my music therapy account - musictherapyworkslandaker - see you there?



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