This Snow Day Life

I am currently starting my second Inclement Weather Day - yesterday doesn't count as it was a planned holiday for us all, but Friday was our first snow day. I enjoyed not struggling through the snow and sub-zero temperatures and just staying in bed as long as I wanted. I also enjoyed that feeling yesterday, but my body got some revenge in the form of a migraine which made me change all my plans. Today, I am ready to get some things done around here.

My view from my window shows snow and gray skies as far as the eye can see. The plows haven't come by yet and my maintenance folks haven't bothered to shovel because snow is still in the forecast. I have to start my car for the first time in five days this afternoon, and I'm a bit concerned that we are going to be frozen solid.

I sat down and made my February/March goals yesterday. I've changed from making my Saturdays reserved for only rest to making sure that I take some time to craft and create every week. I am continuing my quest to declutter and my other quest to keep cooking (I made chili yesterday) with the addendum of one new recipe per month. 

There is so much to do around here that I need to just get started on it all.

This is the major dilemma that I have with taking snow days off. I feel like I should be using this time for something productive, but I just don't want to (very much of the time). In the past 25 years (yep, that's right), I have generally made my way in the blizzards and ice storms to work with my clients so that I could plan on having days off later. I decided to take the days as they came this year, and now that we have the second inclement weather day happening, I think I want more structure to what I need to do on these days.

Of course, I will determine a structure and then who knows if I will follow through...

So, it is important to plan something that I can accomplish and still have some of the joy that is a snow day.

30 minutes of work followed by 30 minutes of other stuff...

I have been trying to come up with something to make for my Teachers Pay Teachers store - I have all sorts of cute clip-art and absolutely zero interest in using it all. I think I'll pull out my March idea box and see if that spurs any ideas for me. I already have leprechaun rhythms and leprechaun puzzles to use, so perhaps I can figure out something else to do with March type things. Oh, I also have some March Madness rhythms that I can dig out. The Super Bowl activities from last month went over pretty well with my students, so it is possible that the NCAA tournament could also be an enriching experience. Hm. Ideas are starting to formulate. First though, I need to get some chores done around here.

Time to get into this snow day life - doing some work and some play while I am not allowed to go to work because of Mother Nature.

Look at my Teachers Pay Teachers store for new files after today...I hope to have some there for you to use in your music therapy sessions. All files are really inexpensive - ON PURPOSE - so that all music therapists can access them and use them with clients.

Okay, 30 minutes on the timer - sponge and spray ready to clean the stove - snow day in 3... 2... 1!


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