This post is late because we are in the middle of an INCLEMENT WEATHER DAY!! I finally got one, and I am feeling really snuggly in my fleece robe and jammies. I am considering cancelling my Occupational Therapy appointment due to the cold that has taken over the outside. In fact, I think I will call and cancel...okay. That's finished. I have to do my hand exercises and stretches more diligently to make up for not going today. I now have no obligations until Monday at 3 when I go get my taxes started with my new accountant-type tax person.

It is so nice to be sitting here all cuddly. There is not a flake of snow in sight, but the weather is very cold and is affected by the wind that's out there. Things are below freezing and just getting colder as the sun is finally shining for the first time this week.

This is the first year that I haven't gone in on inclement weather days, and I am enjoying the idea of having this day to relax and just be. Like I said, I haven't changed out of my pajamas yet. I spent the morning playing games and then I did a bit of desk clearing, bullet journaling, and chicken cooking - I love crock pots. I sent my intern an early morning text about the snow day, and I haven't even tried to do anything strenuous. I need to put together the Sunday School video for Sunday before the day is over, but I'm not really feeling much rush. I was going to get some food ordered, but if it is too cold to go outside to work and to OT, then the Mom voice in my head is saying it is too cold to expect someone to go get food for me and bring it to me because I am too cold to go out... Darn those Mom voices.

Maybe I will make a pineapple upside down cake later to help me get inspired for my Sunday School video.

Anyway, I'm heading off into my cold, frigid world to do nothing. See you tomorrow? I hope that you can stay warm wherever you are right now!


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