Fun Friday: What Would I Like to Be Doing?

In these current days of constant bombardment of pandemic stuff, political manipulation, and everything else happening right now, I am trying to find some fun.

Fun has been a bit scarce these days. The things that I like to do, like go to the movies, stop by the Dollar Tree for some frivolous spending, and go to the library, are not allowed due to the restrictions of my job. The things I love to do here require the use of two hands, and I only have one that works right now. I am stuck in a pity party for one.

So, to try to combat all these feelings, I am going to try to envision a day full of fun.

Step one - wake up, before dawn, to the sound of a rainstorm outside my open window.

Step two - be able to doze a bit while listening to the rain.

Step three - have breakfast, in a restaurant, with a couple of good friends.

Step four - go shopping for absolutely nothing, but with a solid bank account balance to support a bit of a splurge. Find things for friends and family as well as things that help me with my ultimate goals of organizing my life.

Step five - watch a movie that makes me laugh.

Step six - make something creative to give to someone else.

Step seven - read a book that makes me laugh. I really want to be laughing during a fun day.

Step eight - fall asleep to the sound of more rain outside. I want to have a chilly bedroom so that it feels really good to be covered with eight blankets and afghans. 

Now, the only things that are keeping me from doing most of these things right now are the responsibilities that I feel with my role as an essential worker and my fear of getting really sick if I violate those responsibilities. I am avoiding shopping as much as possible - I miss going out to browse - because of the behavior of other people. I create with my hands, and I am not allowed to do that right now. I can't even play my instruments these days. That scares me as well.

I'm going to find some fun today.


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