Thoughtful Thursday: Persephone

I cannot seem to find anything positive to write about this morning, so I am going to offer another chapter in the life of my protagonist, Persephone, as she goes through music therapy training in the future...this will be short and sweet because I've already spent about 45 minutes trying to come up with something else to write about. It's been some time since I wrote a Persephone chapter, so here goes! Now, where were we...



 The rest of the semester seemed to drag on once mid-term results were announced. Peers who had not passed were missing from seminars and lab classes as the program offered additional lectures and course work for those who would not be continuing in the program. Persephone's cohort had shrunk by about 20 students, leaving spots in her lecture tier empty. Her friends and acquaintances had passed, so her social groups were stable.

Calla had found Persephone as soon as the results were posted. They had cautiously inquired about the status of the other without trying to appear too enthusiastic (just in case the other had flunked). When Persephone heard that Calla had passed, she shared her own news and their tentative interaction became a bit more jovial. They both kept their voices down until they were able to get out of the dormitory away from the others. At that moment, though, Calla and Persephone started jumping up and down, squealing and laughing as the feelings of relief started to bubble up.

"What is your schedule like next semester?" Calla was looking at her tablet to see what came next.

"Continuum of Music and Humanity 2; Clinical Considerations: Older Adults; Clinical Practicum - Older Adult Group Treatment; and Independent Study: Literature Review," answered Persephone.

"Really? I'm in Continuum 2, Infants and Toddlers, Clinical Practicum - Group Hologram Treatment - Preschool, and Directed Study - Technical Writing.
 I guess I didn't do as well on some of my assignments as I thought, so I get to learn how to write."

Calla's courses sounded interesting, and Persephone knew that she would get to the Infants and Toddlers Clinical Considerations and Practicum eventually. It was nice to have a friend who was taking courses that were a bit different from her own. They would be able to share notes and insights about instructors and expectations.

"Let's go to the cafeteria for some celebration food!" Persephone giggled as they moved towards some oral gratification. She was thinking that she wanted as much ice cream as she could stomach because it truly was a time to celebrate! 


This is where I have to leave this for today, but spending some time in my imaginary world helped to lighten my mood. Thanks for reading!!


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