Questions Abound

I am probably not going to be writing lots on my blog for a bit - and here's why...

I am currently having to navigate something that has only happened once before with me, and that is a life-changing injury. The last one was a total ACL repair on my left knee, and this one is a tendon tear in my left hand middle finger. I'm not going to share how this happened, it is not relevant, but I am currently wavering between "it will all be okay" and "I'll never be able to play the guitar again!" I think this will come out the former rather than the latter, but those pesky other thoughts keep bursting into my head!

While there is never a good time for something like this, the timing of this situation has hit me hard. I now hove to figure out how to juggle a new intern, a current intern, AND my job in a way that will be able to fit around surgery, recovery, and rehabilitation. I have to find someone who can drive me to my appointments, and I have to figure all of this out alone. This is the worst thing about being the only person I know in my town. There is no actual support system available for me to call on. Everyone I know lives 20+ miles away, so asking them to drive here to pick me up and then head to the city to sit outside while my surgery happens is something that I just don't feel comfortable doing. I wonder id my friend who lives in the city where I think I'll be doing the surgery would be willing to help me by letting me spend the night at her house before sending me off into the world. I'm nor sure if I will have a driving restriction - if I do, I'm screwed!

I see the hand specialist today to talk about what is coming. I have some questions printed out and I am sure that I will be trying to scrawl others (did I mention that I am left-handed?) as they occur to me today.

All I can think, as my emotional brain churns and flip-flops is "Thank you, 2020, for continuing to be one of the worst years."

Man, I thought gall bladder surgery last year was rough - that's nothing compared to this injury! Sorry for the downer post.


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