Here Comes a New Month AND a New Quarter!

July starts this week. June sped by, and I have no idea where it went!! I guess this is a good thing, but I'm not quite sure that I am ready for the second half of this year. The first half hasn't been lots of fun, you know??


I took advantage of a positive mood and some downtime today to sit down and outline my goals for the month and for the quarter. I am always overly ambitious, so I decided to try planning the bare minimum for this quarter to see if I could get these things done. Of course, I used my bullet journal for this task - you knew THAT was coming, didn't you?? I am making time management (at-home time management) my biggest priority this quarter.

I am working on making a bit more productive use of my early evening hours. I started last week when I went back to full-time work, and it seemed to work pretty well - every day but Thursday when I was exhausted and went to bed about the time I got home. So, this new routine isn't quite a habit yet, but I am making strides.

One of the things that I am doing differently is that I am blogging in the early evenings now instead of the early mornings. This has been a challenge as I tend to be tired when I get home, and sitting down and writing something that makes sense to anyone other than me is, at times, nigh onto impossible. I also seem to focus more on my frustrations than my joys when I write at night. I am going to try to shift that into a more positive and appropriate reflection time. To help me with this, I've written down some blog post ideas to help me when my brain just doesn't want to think.

My theme for this month is "stay awake and craft!" I have set up my craft desk in my underused second bedroom, and I am working on making it a place where I am ultra organized. At this point, it is about halfway finished and halfway a mess, but I can get some good light from the southern exposure, and I have lots of inspiration these days for things to make and do. I need a clock for that room, but that's the only thing that needs to be added. I rescued a shelving unit thingy - looks like a shoe holder, but seems to be preschool materials - that will be perfect for my markers, pencils, watercolors, brushes, tapes, and glues. I will be able to free up lots more space in my storage because of that thing. Just gotta muscle it in from my car into my home.

For the rest of this evening, I think I will work in my craft room - throwing things out and arranging materials the way I want them to be set up. I'll take my phone back there so I can talk to my family members who are bound to call in the middle of my lifting and rearranging. I will also take my water back there for hydration! If I happen to do some painting or crafting or sewing - so much the better!!

The goal is to use these evening hours more productively, so here I go!!

(Today's #Sundayscavengerhunt product. The prompts were: mint green; bird; feather; sparkles; postage stamp)


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