Updating My Internship Program

It is SO past time for this particular project, so I am taking some time during the next 9 days to review my internship program and adjust some of the requirements, assignments, and timings of things. This project is one that I take on every couple of years and is something important for me as an Internship Director (ID) and as a therapist. This time around, I have LOTS of things to think about as I get ready to welcome intern #30 and intern #31 into my program in the next several months.

This recent pandemic has illustrated several things to me as a therapist. First, I think that telehealth is here to stay. I don't think it will ever take over the face-to-face interactions that many of us currently miss right now, but I think it will continue to be a niche of all human interactions from now on. We have found ways to keep doing elements of music therapy through an electronic interface, and there will always be clients who will want this type of interaction over others. So, telehealth has to be a consideration from here on out. Second, I need to get myself up on current ways of using electronic formats and various platforms for music therapy, and then I need to make sure that my interns know some of the ramifications of selecting different formats and platforms. Third, I need to have some strategies in place for what to do when this happens again.

So, because this pandemic happened, I am making some changes. I'm not exactly sure what I will be requiring at the end of this process, but I know that there will be some requirements that will change, others that will appear for the first time, and some that I will get rid of completely. If any of my interns from before are reading, what would you get rid of from your assignments that you had to do for me?? I'd love to know what you thought was ridiculous.

This is one of the things that I feel is important for IDs to do on a regular basis - review and adapt the requirements for interns. I wonder if others go through their requirements...

In the next week, I will be updating my information. I will be working on a new policy and procedure for quarantine situations (just in case), and I will also be adapting all of my assignments a bit more to accommodate different types of communication formats and requirements. Lots to do. Lots to think about, and a way to move from what was to what is and what could be. (Evolution, perhaps?)

Hey, if you are an internship director or supervisor and would like to join me in a conversation about assignments and stuff like that, then please comment below. I have a CMTE available for you!!


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