Thoughtful Thursday: Back to the Quote Box

I have a small box that sits on my computer desk that I look around every day. You know, the type of thing that sits there but that you don't really pay attention to all that much?

I have had it for many years - it came from a box from Music Therapy Mailings a long, long time ago, and I have used it ever since. I flip to a new quote when I am paying attention to it which is not often. Today, though, it caught my notice, so I flipped to a new card.

It is a bit difficult to see, but this quote by Gloria Steinem was the one that I flipped to. It says, "the future depends entirely on what each of us does every day."

Hmm. This makes me stop and think a bit about what I do on a regular basis. I work with children and adolescents in a residential and day program for persons with intellectual/developmental diagnoses and chronic psychiatric symptoms. I am not often all that future oriented when it comes to what I do every day, but I do think about where my clients will be going once they leave the facility where I work.

Have you ever had a former client recognize you and remember the smallest little details about your time together? That is where this quote becomes real for me.

Today I will strive to do something that will affect my future - I am not planning on interacting with many people outside of my own home - still watching who I interact with since I am still considered an "essential healthcare" worker once my break is over (next Wednesday is the day I go back to work). I don't know what it will be, but I will do something.

What are you going to do for your own future?


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