Talking with Interns - One of My Favorite Things Ever

On Tuesday evenings right now, I am hosting a series of intern webinars. We meet in a non-recorded, totally confidential setting that allows us to discuss all sorts of things. (Oooh, that reminds me, I need to send my powerpoint to right back...) Okay, I'm now a bit off my morning timeline, but that's okay, I can get things finished. I have LOTS of time in the mornings now - I have cut my hours back even more because of the Department of Health's requirements for folks coming in and out of our building...ANYHOO...

Back to talking about talking with interns.

Last evening, we talked about time management and organization - two of my personally most challenging tasks, especially right now when everything changes on a moment to moment basis. I am currently trying to navigate working from home, and it is not easy for me, especially since I am also working at work. My concentration at home is horrible, and I haven't figured out what to do so I can get more efficient...yet.

As you know, if you read this blog on a regular basis, I am constantly talking about trying to become more organized. It is a never ending process and struggle for me. I just can't seem to get over my penchant for stuff, so it is difficult for me to live within the available space without tending towards hoarding. I am working on this organization while my schedule is so wonky. I am currently trying to do a bit of work and a bit of purging of the stuff, switching back and forth every half hour of my home time. I started yesterday and went pretty well until I had to stop very abruptly due to circumstances beyond my control. At least I finished my documentation - that was the most important part.

One thing that I know about myself - I cannot do client documentation on same day of service. For some reason, I cannot remember what we did immediately after a session. I remember so many more details after I've slept. So, documentation is going to be done more often at my home than in my office these days. I am getting ready to do yesterday's notes right now.

For some reason, doing notes at home seems much longer than doing notes at school. That is a bit ridiculous since it probably takes the same amount of time, but it seems longer here...

Everything seems to take more time here. I wonder if I am trying to get too much done. Do I need to lower my expectations? I wonder.

For now, I am going back to my organization stand-by - my task lists and bullet journal-type things. Since I try not to use my home journal for work things, I am using my big "What To Do" notepad for my new schedule. I feel like I need to be doing some of my work at home since I'm only working for 4 hours a day now, so I am trying to figure out what I can do here. Top of the list is my documentation. Second on the list is TME development and session strategizing. After that, there are the usual things that I do at home like making visual aids and learning new music. In addition, I have home things to distract me - cleaning, clearing, tossing things out, doing laundry, all that stuff. At some point, I need to make some new masks - I'm getting a blister on the tip of my nose from mine, and I've only worn it ONE day so far - that will take some time as well.

I also have to remember the importance of self-care in this time of uncertainty. It is okay to schedule in some time when I am doing nothing...I may need that more now than I did two weeks ago.

Anyway, back to the title of this post - the talk that I had with interns last night helped me to remember that we are all doing this together. We all have questions and unprecedented challenges that we are facing. We all are wandering around, trying our best to figure out what comes next for us all. Interns are looking to us, the professionals, for guidance which we are seeking as well. What an interesting time we are living in. I'm done being interested - I'm ready for some stability.

Anyway, it is almost time for me to leave, put on my mask, and start my job. We are going to sing today - lots of songs that include some visuals but do not require them. I get to wear my capri pants today - it is supposed to be in the 80's - and there will be donuts for dinner.

On to the next thing on my schedule. See you tomorrow?


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