Staying Up Late...and Paying the Price

Last night, I had a chance to do something that I absolutely to interns about music therapy and my way of writing therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) for use with clients. During the webinar, we developed a new TME that uses random things that I had on my desk - a set of Avengers playing cards. Using these cards as the starting point, we brainstormed ideas on how to use the cards to engage client interest and support two very different client goals - color recognition and upper extremity gross motor range of motion. I need to write the ideas down into my TME format today so I will remember the TME concept.

We talked for longer than my usual 60 minutes - there is just so much to cover when talking about this concept that I can't stop in the middle of it all. I went back to my bedroom a bit later than usual, had to scootch the cat over from the middle of the bed, and then my brain started working...and working...and working. I scrolled through options for watching things on Netflix and Amazon Prime. Nothing seemed to satisfy my need for something new, so I changed to YouTube and put on some bullet journaling posts. I finally got to sleep, but that sleep was not restful.

I've had a headache now for a couple of days. It was exacerbated by my night - I guess I didn't have a good head position while sleeping because now the headache is pretty global. Fortunately, this week is proving to be just as strange as the others have been lately, and I am heading into work in a place that will have no electricity for a period of time. We have no idea how long we will be without power, but my music therapy room has NO chance for any sort of natural lighting, so I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to be doing. We were told that students would remain in the residences until we have power, but we have no idea how long that will be. I'm sure that someone has a plan for me, but they haven't shared that with me.

Now, I know that I can do music therapy sessions without electricity - I often do full singing sessions at work, but I can't do music therapy sessions in my room without electricity, so no matter what happens, I will not be spending much time in either my office or my music therapy room without power. I can't do documentation (computer-based), the phones won't work, no email interruptions, and all that. Should be an interesting day...waiting for the power to come back on.

Come to think of it, some of this headache may be due to stress. 

Anyway, the price I am paying now is TOTALLY worth it! I enjoy talking to music therapy interns about the things that we have to do to get our jobs done. I wish I knew more about running a successful music therapy business - I may reach out to some friends of mine for a webinar recording to make available to interns at some point, but I think I'll wait until folks are heading back to less fluctuating schedules.

After talking to a group of interns, I start to brainstorm. I'm not going to write down my ideas here since when I do that, people tend to produce the same ideas almost immediately - thanks for reading. I wonder how it would work...hmmm.

Again, anyway...

I have asked for tomorrow off as a professional day. Originally, it was for travel to Nebraska for the Midwestern Region conference, but that has shifted to an online conference. I am taking my Saturday and my Sunday to attend the session, so I could use tomorrow's time to prepare things in my home. I need to see if that professional day is still approved. If not, then I'll go to my four hours of work and then start my weekend time since my weekend will be taken up by conference and CMTEs.

I am disappointed by the conference cancellation. This doesn't mean that I am angry with anyone for making the decision - not at all - this situation is the type of thing that no one was able to predict or foresee. I am disappointed because this was the year I was going to do something completely out of my comfort zone - BE AN EXHIBITOR! I was so excited about my booth and offering physical and digital products to all of you music therapists out there! I was looking forward to making a little bit of money as well. All that changed with the introduction of a new virus into the world. At times, it seems to be the universe taking DRASTIC measures to keep me from evolving, but then I realize how selfish and self-centered I am, and I give myself a reality check. This was all just coincidental. Now...if I decide to do this again and the same type of thing happens, then we'll be talking about universal checks to keep me in line...

Fortunately, I hadn't finished many things for sale when the conference was officially cancelled. I have lots of file folder activities and a couple of stacks of other materials, but I hadn't invested money in printing all of my books (printing books is EXPENSIVE!). I am out a bunch of time, but I have finished products to show for that time, so it wasn't wasted. I just wish I could have experienced this part of the music therapy world, mainly to see if it is something I want to do in the future. So, there is a little disappointment, but I've come to the conclusion that this just wasn't the year. I'm not sure if I can afford to be an exhibitor at the AMTA national conference - I needed this experience to help me make an informed decision - so I guess I will continue to produce products for next year's Midwestern conference - hoping all the time that it will actually happen!! I wonder where it is supposed to be held...

Alrighty, all, it is time for me to take my shower, get into my car, get some gasoline, and head to work. I wonder what will be waiting for me there...

Happy Wednesday.


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