Blogging After Documentation - The New Routine

It is 6:31 am and I have been working on my clinical documentation since 5:15-ish. I had to get two sets of sessions finished because I forgot my cheat sheet at work last weekend, so it took a bit more time than it should (usually) this morning. I'm sitting here with another hour left before I need to go to work, but I am feeling pretty good about what I have accomplished so far.

I had a (duh) realization that by putting in hours before work for documentation, I don't have nearly as many hours that I have to do after my time at work to make up for lost time for my employers. Rather than having to do 4 hours after my time at work in more work from home, I am down to only needing to find about 2 more hours of work. This is much more manageable to my brain and my schedule. I was trying to figure out four more hours of work after an early morning session and four hours at work doing sessions, and another 2 hours of commuting. That's a bit more than I could actually fit into my lifestyle, so I am glad that I FINALLY realized that I don't have as much time to fill as I thought. Better late than never, I guess...

Yesterday, I spent some time putting together some of the music therapy resources that I have into more convenient formats. I spent time this weekend arranging my own books into bound copies (all of them!! - sing about songs, sing about minis, and more), and I found that to be very satisfying. I took the rough draft that I have of a specific music therapy textbook and bound it as well. I can now replace the 4" three-ring binder that I was using for that text with a 1.5" bound copy. There's some space saved...and a mindless task that needed to be done at some point. I feel satisfied that this task was a good investment of my time. I was reminded that I have this resource, and it is something I want to re-read in the near future.

So, I am getting some of my home and work tasks checked off my to-do list. I was able to finish some little chores yesterday, and I figured out a maintenance situation that was a bother without having to call anyone about it all. I tried to run a Zoom meeting last night, but things didn't work the way they needed to - ugh. Every time I figure out technology, they end up upgrading things and making stuff all sorts of more complicated. Gruff. I'll figure it out, though. I always do.

Oh dear, the "get ready to go" itch is starting. I still have about 40 minutes before I need to leave. I filled up my tank yesterday, so I don't have any errands to do before work. I have water at work so I don't have to fill anything up. I guess I could unload the dishwasher, but I'll probably just play video games for the rest of my time. See you all tomorrow!


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