Well, Check That Off the List...And That...And, Now That as Well.

She's SO over all this!!
Well, then.

It has been quite a strange week in this world. Things have gone from "we'll wait and see" to "cancel EVERYTHING and grab as much toilet paper as you can on the way out!" I was contacted by the Midwestern Region of AMTA this morning that the conference (the one where I was going to be an exhibitor for the very first time - breaking out of my comfort zone and EVOLVING as a business person) has been cancelled.

This is both good and bad for me right now. It's good because it is a month away from the event so I know that there are things I can get done - I can cancel my hotel reservation and stop rushing to produce materials to offer. It's bad because I have a large stack of projects already started sitting on my living room floor. 


Today is the first day of my Spring Break. It is my official Spring Break, so my school will be closed this week. My residential clients will still be at the facility, but day students and teachers are gone for this week. We are waiting to see what will happen to our small, rural school district in the next several weeks. We have a disadvantage of being a residential facility that includes a school, so someone will have to be around to assist our residents in daily living. If the school closes, we will still have clients to care for, so we may be called in to work anyway. Maybe. No one has been through anything like this before, so we really have no idea what will happen.

I am not really scared of the health issues happening right now. I figure that a virus that has been shown to be less concerning than the flu is not something to be scared of, but I also understand why things are being canceled and closed up. I understand the epidemiology of viruses and can see the need for quarantine and cancellation and all the other things happening. I am pretty disgusted by the things that people are doing in response to all of this hype and bother. Toilet paper shortages?? REALLY, humanity? We are better than this! I am glad that decisions are being made in the interest of public health and safety, and I appreciate being told what is going on.

For my school-based job, I now know that I will be called with any updates to our schedule. So, I will make sure that the cell phone is charged and near me during this break. Other than that, I am not going to worry about what is going on around me.

But, I think I will limit my outside activities due to my incessant cough which NEVER goes away but would be a problem with being around other people these days...


  1. I thought about you when I saw conference was cancelled! Maybe you could do something online with all the materials you already made?


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