Moving Into the World of Digital Music Therapy

If nothing else, this virus has really forced creative thinking onto all of us, especially around the thought "Does music therapy HAVE to be done face-to-face, in the same room?" It interests me that the answer seems to be a qualified "no." 

I think that all of us would prefer to be doing music therapy as usual, but it's amazing what my music therapy colleagues have been presenting through digital platforms and social media. The way these music therapists have overcome the current challenges brought on by social distancing and quarantine is inspiring to me.

I feel a bit inadequate because I am not currently doing these types of things on social media, but I also acknowledge that not everyone is able to everything in the world of music therapy (ask me how I learned THAT particular lesson one day - it's definitely a "duh" moment in my life). So, I am focusing on what I can offer to the music therapy community rather than scrambling to make videos of therapeutic music experiences available for everyone. That's not say that I won't end up doing some of this, but it is not going to be my main focus.

Instead, I am going to offer you all some of my digital products for free.

For as long as this quarantine lasts (for me in my part of the world because I will not know when it is lifted in your part of the world), you can choose one of my sing about songs full editions for free. Go to the website, select the title that you would like, and then email me using the contact us page on the site. I will send you the digital copy for free. There are six (6) editions available to choose from, so select your favorite theme idea and let me know what you want!!

(This does not include the mini edition subscription, but please note that is always available as well.)

When you send me your email, I'll be asking you a couple of questions - do you want to be informed when I post new products and if you want to subscribe to my quarterly newsletter. Feel free to answer however you like - your answers will not affect the free resource coming your way. 

By the way, sing about summer is ALWAYS free for anyone who asks for it! If you pick that one, then pick another one, too!


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