Memories of a Simpler Time

Ah, do you remember what it was like back in February when I was complaining about the things that concerned me way back then? Wow. What a difference a month makes when it comes to things to think about and try to work through and well, survive.

Now, this is an attempt to be a bit flippant during times of fear and uncertainty, but it is also a reflection on remembering that no matter how bad you think things may be, they can always get worse! Ugh.

I hope I can remember this the next time I feel like I am beaten down by situations in my life.

I try my best to acknowledge the worst case scenarios and then look for the positive in my life. Sometimes I can do that with ease and other days I struggle to find positives. Today, I am choosing to focus on positive things that are happening in my life because the other parts are too overwhelming to contemplate without sliding into negative thinking patterns.

So, here I go...

I am impressed by the things that I am seeing in the music therapy world right now. I know that many therapists are struggling to find any sort of revenue in these times of social distancing and cancelled services, but, WOW, you all! You have stepped up to provide us all with interactions, songs, opportunities to connect through our computers. There are sing-a-longs, sessions offered in the spring air to residents singing on balconies, new videos going onto YouTube every minute, and people sharing information without concern for how we will be reimbursed. This is AMAZING!!

It is finally looking like spring outside my window. I can keep the windows open to the redbud blossoms that are invading my nasal passages and requiring the use of more and more asthma medication - but I am loving the spring!

There is a puppy who lives in my side of the apartment building who comes outside our window to do his business. He is shorter than the grass right at the moment. He is so much fun to watch, and my Bella-cat seems alternately fascinated and unimpressed by his antics.

I am preparing the first of a series of music therapy webinars that I run for music therapy interns on a regular basis for this evening. I anticipate that we will stray from my usual introduction to this series - it seems more like a self-care night than a "rights and responsibilities" type of night - and I hope that we will be able to interact with each other in a way that supports us and offers us some sense of community.

Oh - last thing. I sent my father his copy of Rise of Skywalker which he will receive in about three days and will then watch while I watch my copy here. We are socially distanced about 1500 miles apart, but he IS going to watch this with me - he and my mom started me on my life-long fandom of Star Wars, and by golly, they are going to finish it with me as well! My mom, sister, and I saw it over break, but my dad and brother opted not to go with us. It feels right to make my father watch it with me... We'll see how it works!

I hope that this time next month we will all be returning to social interaction and work the way we usually work, but I am acknowledging the worst case scenario. If we haven't returned to regular by May 1, then I hope that we will be able to see an end to this period in our lives...


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