Time to Buckle Down and Get Going

To-Do List:
  1. Board of Directors Annual Meeting for OCMT
  2. Make file folder activities for MWRAMTA in April
  3. Laundry
  4. Dishes
  5. Vacuum
  6. Cat Box
  7. Cat Water
  8. Blogging
  9. Making other things for MWRAMTA's booth
  10. Change filters in my water
  11. Set up new work planner
  12. Write TMEs for May release - sing about mini edition
  13. Prepare talk to local high school for Monday at 1pm
  14. Grocery shop
  15. Cook large meals and portion them out for freezing
  16. Taxes
  17. Organize every little thing around me!!
Sounds realistic for a three day weekend, right?

I like three day weekends better than longer vacations. Three days is enough to get lots of things done, and they tend to refresh me better than a week off. In a week, I just get into the habit of afternoon naps when it is time to head back to work. If I can get through two weeks of napping, I tend to saturate on naps and I want to go back to work. We don't get two weeks of vacation anymore so I never really feel completely rested. Anyway...

Three days is enough time to get a bit of rest and is also enough time to get things done. I can do most of these things (if I focus) and still have a bit of time to binge watch something on Amazon Prime (I'm currently watching 30 Rock again). It is not enough time to interrupt my routines too much, so I prefer three day weekends. Spring Break will be a time to finish up some stuff for MWRAMTA and get a colonoscopy (ugh!) and then figure out some retirement plans. I'll get all sorts of stuff done during that week, but I'll also want to nap and not do things...

This three day weekend is for chores. So, I am going to get going.


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