A Long, Blog-less Weekend

I'm not exactly sure what happened to blogging these past three days, but I didn't do it, so that's the situation. If you have become accustomed to a daily blog post from me, I guess I have disappointed you, but I'm okay with that. I think my blogging practice this year may be less consistent than in the more recent past. Who knows??

Oh! I remember why I didn't blog on Friday - it was an inclement weather day so I left my home really early so I could arrive at work at a decent hour. I did - VERY early - and then spent the day doing music therapy type stuff (not what I usually do - we watched Pixar shorts) and then went home carefully. I don't really know what happened on Saturday and Sunday - I just had things to do so I didn't get going on the blog. Sorry about that.

My current article is still not synthesized into my thoughts, so this will NOT be a Synthesis Sunday post. I am a bit behind. I have been keeping up with reading most days - so I have lots of things to think about and to figure out. I am starting my annual allergy ick, so I've decided to take a half dose of the medicine that will help out with that as well. I'm hoping that a half dose will keep me going until I can take the full dose next Saturday. I can't walk a straight line the first 24 hours after an entire dose, so I can't take it now. I need to be able to go to work tomorrow. After that first 24 hours, I can function pretty well.

This will be a busy couple of weeks. It's almost time for the Online Conference for Music Therapy 2020!! I am fingers deep in registrations, organizing sessions, getting emails out to registered participants, and trying to keep my head together. The fact that this conference always corresponds with my annual allergy attack is suspicious - I'm not sure if there is a causal relationship but I have been sick for this conference more than I've been healthy in the past eight conferences. We'll see if this year is any different. I hope so!!

Today is a holiday in my school district, so I have spent some time grocery shopping. I will be cooking some stuff for later this week in just a bit of time. First off, though, I have to clean out my big pot so I can start my process of cooking noodles for my casseroles. After that, I'll finish up the day by making a big pot of spaghetti sauce. While my food is cooking, I want to do some kitchen cleaning and make some of my file folders for April. I will need to finish up that process as well.

I'm going to get going with this. Jukebox folders and some rhythm wheel composition folders to start cutting out and laminating as well as some food to cook up for these next couple of weeks. Time to get going. I WILL get back into the swing of blogging again, I promise!!

See you tomorrow.


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