Synthesis Sunday (Actually, It's Monday...): New Article on Music Interventions

Okay, okay. It is actually Monday when I am writing this Synthesis Sunday post - mainly because I got busy yesterday with other projects and situations and did not get into the research part of Sunday. So, here we go again!!

I have selected my article. It is not from a music therapy source because I want to expand my vision. Here are the details...
Eren. B. (2015). The use of music interventions to improve social skills in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in integrated group music therapy sessions. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 197, 207-213. Retrieved from:
I selected this particular article because it hit several of my keywords - adolescents, group, music therapy, socialization. The article itself doesn't have much information - there is no real quantification involved in the article - no numbers, no comparisons, no statistics - but there are more references to practical applications for things. I am looking forward to continuing reading a bit more.

As I skim through the article, I find many familiar music therapy names listed as resources. I like the focus of this as a clinical discussion rather than a purely research exercise. As always, I want more information about what actually happened in the session. I think I want diary entries for my own development - lists of TMEs done during sessions, how those TMEs link into the goals of the clients, why the therapist chooses particular tempi or pitch centers or timbres during the interactions. I know that I will never get this type of research - how could one actually engage in writing down all these things, anyway? I can still dream!

This article should be wrapped up by next week - just gotta remember to write during vacation. Any suggestions for new articles to read? I got my Journal of Music Therapy some time last week or the week before - haven't opened it yet... maybe there is something in that resource that will spark my imagination. 


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