Fun Friday - T-shirts Galore!

This was the year of t-shirts.

I got six different t-shirts this year - my father found several places on the internet to purchase novelty shirts, and HE DID!! The ones in the bottom picture are from him! One is a Girl Scout themed one, one says, "I'm the oldest - I make the rules," and the other says "These are difficult times" under a picture of 6/4, 9/8, and 11/16 time signatures. I think I'll wear that one when I do my next webinar - all about chord progressions that I think ALL music therapists should know by heart and by hands.

If you are interested in the webinar, check out this link for details. Did I mention that it is free?

The top picture is the collection I received from my mother and my sister. One is from our trip to Hawaii and the other two are Star Wars themed because my sister knows me so well. The one with Darth Vader on it has the Imperial March notated in bass clef with the lyrics, "dum dum da dum, dum da dum, dum, da dum" notated on it! The other is a collage of Star Wars scenes in the frame of my favorite character of all times!

I like novelty t-shirts, and my Dad does, too. The black one is part of a series that he got for all three of us. My sister's says, "I'm the middle - I'm the reason we have rules," and my brother's says, "I'm the baby - rules don't apply to me." Dad cracked himself up when he presented them to us. It was adorable!


What do t-shirts have to do with music therapy? I asked my sister this question, and she came up with many different reasons - one of them being "they can be a tissue," but, in her defense, it is pretty early for her on vacation and she really should be back in bed, leaving me alone as I write. (She just said, "I'm KL, and I approve this message.") They convey information - see the theory one about the difficult times. They offer conversation topics - Girl Scouts. They are conversation pieces - R2-D2's innards. They teach - I now have the bass line to the Imperial March!! They are works of art - the Hawaii t-shirt works like that for me!

T-shirts are also comfortable. I tend to wear those shirts more than any other in life. The best day of my professional life was when the principal decided we could wear facility t-shirts instead of the dreaded polo shirts that were originally part of our uniform. I HATE polo shirts - they never fit me comfortably. So, t-shirts are my comfort zone, and I wear them everywhere I go (except for church - I can't bring myself to dress casually to church yet). When the t-shirts get worn out, I cut them up for a future t-shirt quilt that I want to make (when I get some courage - that might be a good bucket list item for this next year!!). T-shirts are always a welcome addition to my wardrobe. 

I am going to wear one of my father's contributions today. I think I'll go for the "difficult times" one today. My dad will get a kick out of it!


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