Avoiding Skill Slide During the Break

It is almost time for my Winter Break, and today, I am going to talk about Skill Slide.

This is a term that I just made up to describe the phenomenon that happens when you take time away from something that you've made a habit in your life, and for me, it encompasses the things that I have to as a music therapist each and every day. Things like playing the guitar and piano, singing with appropriate breath support, writing music, writing Therapeutic Music Experiences, and coming up with visual aids for use in my clinic. Skill Slide is very real and is often not experienced until you walk back into the music therapy routine and find that your fingers hurt after one session of guitar playing. Or you can't seem to get the frog out of your throat during your opening song.

Does that ever happen to anyone else??

When I was an intern, we used to take data on specific goals related to behavior indications before and after every break to track just this type of situation. We didn't call it anything catchy, though. This particular phrase has been kicking around in the back of my mind for decades now, but I FINALLY arrived at it! 
I am getting ready for some time away from my full-time job, but I am going to challenge myself to do some of the things that I usually avoid during breaks just to see if my transition back to the job is easier than in the recent past. I've been trying to avoid things like writing music or singing daily, but I think I may try to incorporate these things in my day during this next week and a half. Playing the guitar may be difficult, but my brother probably has one that I can borrow. My parents have a piano sitting in their dining room that is covered with stuff, so I can uncover it and play that (out-of-tune notes and all!). I am going to take my laptop so I can continue writing about things on my blog and keep designing TMEs and visual aids and the like.

Now, the trick will be convincing myself to do this other than just trying to rest. I know I can do both, but often it is so much more rewarding in the moment to take a nap.

I wonder if I can make this into a challenge...anyone want to join me??

I have five days next week to keep up my skill practice. I would like to actively make music every day in some way. Here at home, that would mean playing my guitar or my keyboard. At my vacation destination, it will mean asking my brother for the loan of a guitar and clearing off the piano to play a bit. I can sing to the various cats that are around me during this next week and a half. I can always write music and design digital visual aid files from anywhere, so I can get those things knocked out in the early morning hours when I'm waiting for my sister to become sociable. December 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, and 31. (I will give myself the weekends off.) So, daily musicking, writing something for my clients, and keeping myself in the practice of thinking about music therapy. I can do this.



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