I Think I've Reached My Point - No More Challenges, Please

So, I went to pick up my car from the emergency room parking lot where it had remained since Wednesday evening when I had to go to the emergency room until the day that I could get a taxi and brake without significant amounts of pain. Then, I found this...
Doesn't look like much, does it? This little tear in the back of my car sent me into full hysterics for quite some time. Someone decided to back into my car and not leave any information about insurance and the such. I now have scrapes, a dent, and this tear in the back of my car - one that I am going to be trading in in a couple of weeks, of course! The new car has been ordered and is on its way from its country of origin as we speak.

The police officer who took my report stated that the damage was a crime since the person responsible didn't try to contact me about the incident. We have about five days of security footage to look through - if the cameras even worked - to see if there is any sort of identifying information that is visible. If so, then there will be more rigamarole. I'm not holding my breath that this will ever be solved, but it is a lesson that notes are essential (and legal).

I wonder what went through the head of the person who hit my car. I wonder if they were stressed about having to deal with the emergency room (like I was). I wonder if they even noticed that they had hit my car. I wonder if they left on purpose or if it was just something that they didn't notice. I wonder if they realized that a car parked in the emergency room parking lot meant that the person who drove that car had some sort of emergency room situation to deal with and that abandoning the damage would not be something easily handled by said person.

Now I am dealing with phone calls from the car repair shop and the various doctors and the insurance companies (both health and car). I'm also trying hard to figure out work situations - like when I can be back there and what I am going to do with my intern in the meantime. My doctor had no time for an appointment with me until I ended up in walk-in hours, overwhelmed and crying in the middle of the office, and then, lo and behold, an appointment this morning opened up. It was a hysteria miracle!

For the moment, I'm going to spend some time looking for happy thoughts - I can only eat pudding right now without severe indigestion, but I like pudding - especially pistachio! I am able to walk. I am able to drive my poor, little damaged car. I hope to get some answers about whether I can go to work or not by the end of my appointment today. My finances will be struck hard with all of this stuff that I have to pay for, but I will not be as hurt as I was six years ago when I had to have surgery before. 

Well, thanks for reading this litany of complaint. I'll be moving from the computer to the kitchen to mix up some more milk for pudding. I'm thinking butterscotch sounds good this time around, but who knows.

I'm going to keep baby stepping through the circumstances that I have right now...


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