Systems Sunday: The Things I Still Need to Systemize

So, I've been spending the last several weeks writing about the systems that I use, but there are LOTS of things that happen around me that are haphazard and that desperately need systematic analysis and the start of something organized.

Here are the things that I want to get no particular order and in no particular priority order or anything...
  • Music Library - So, I have my songbooks located in several places around my house that are dedicated to songbooks - I know where they are, but I don't really know what is in them. When I want to find a particular song, I have to search through the most likely of books and then hope that I can find it. I have learned how to search tables of contents to make the process shorter, but I would love a database of all of my music in one place...ah, I dream that I will awaken one morning to find a perfectly indexed list of all the books that I have and all the songs contained within those books.
  • All My Other Stuff - I make no secret that I am a packrat...which is generous - I am a hoarder - probably level 1 if the scale goes from low to high. There are spaces in my home, but I have things that I really do not need at all that I just can't seem to get rid of, so I need some sort of system to help me with all of this, and Marie Kondo just ain't doing it for me!! I think I will tackle this problem first (as I always do), and keep trying until I have a system that actually works. There you go - I now have a prioritized list of things to work on.
  • Training Information - I have information on courses that I've taken years and years ago. There are good nuggets of wisdom and knowledge in that information, but it just takes over. I need a system of logging the relevant information - presenter, presentation venue, type of information, and relevant bits and meanings as the information comes into my life rather than years and years and years later. I will have to play catch up at the moment, but I'll be able to use this system from now on. This one would be easy to set up but difficult to fill up - lots of time needed to coordinate lots of information!
  • Projects in Progress - Like almost every creative person, I have projects in different stages of completion all over the place. I watch a blogger who has a page dedicated to her sewing projects where she tracks each step of the project. I would like a system like this - for my visual aid creation process - and I am starting one. This system would include brainstorming, naming the project, TME development, pictures, videos, composition, marketing (ugh - not my best thing, but something that I HAVE to do), and all the finishing steps for all the things that I want to do. I have the perfect book for keeping this system in and relevant to me...hmmm.
 Four is a good number for stopping. It's a bit daunting to realize that my version of "perfect, pretty, Pinterest world" means that everything has a place and there is a system for it all. Time to make my real world a bit (just a bit, mind you) more like my ideal world.

I'm going to start with the stuff system first - one small corner at a time.


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