
I am excited to announce that I will be hosting a 10-hour Continuing Music Therapy Education course on Internship Supervision. This 10-hour course will be held in three bits over a weekend, and will include 3 hours of ethics!! It was approved by CBMT yesterday, and I am getting ready to start marketing it to all the music therapists out there who want a bit more information about the nuts and bolts of supervising music therapy interns.

I am so excited about this.

I've set it up to go on three weekend days - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday on the second week in December. The nice thing about this particular course is that it can be split up into several different formats - weekly for 2 hours for 5 weeks or in one VERY LONG day or in three evenings. This time around, I am going to ask course participants to give up their evenings during one weekend. Who knows what I will do the next time around.

Tickets will launch on October 27th, but you heard about this new course here before anyone else! I only have 24 spots available, so please consider whether this course (which includes 3 ethics hours) would be something valuable for your continuing education process. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here or through the website (this information will be presented on the site later today).

Here are the details: 

Live (Synchronous) Course Event: Internship Director 102: Beyond the Basics; December 13-15, 2019 from 6-8:45 pm Central Time. - $100.00 for the course

Recorded (Asynchronous) Course Event: on-going
When: Access is valid for six months after payment is received. - $120.00 for the course

PLEASE NOTE: This course is not preapproved by the AMTA Association Internship Approval Committee as a substitute for the course offered by that committee. If you are seeking approval to become a National Roster Internship Director, you will need to submit the entire course outline as well as your certificate to the committee for review. does not guarantee that this course will be accepted as an alternate course by the AMTA Association Internship Approval Committee, but the instructor will submit additional information to the committee on your behalf, if requested.

What: This course offers three (3) modules that address learning objectives centered around the responsibilities of being an internship director. Completion of all three modules are required to complete the course and to access the Course Evaluation. To complete the course, participants must send proof of demonstration elements to the instructor. This can be done via email.
Once all demonstration elements are submitted to the instructor, the participant will receive a link to the course evaluation. The course evaluation must be submitted to complete the course requirements. After the course evaluation is submitted, the participant will receive his/her certificate via email.

Learning Objectives:
Participants will progress through an ethical decision tree to determine positions on 4 scenarios of internship training situations
Participants will start the process of developing a competency-based evaluation for use with interns.
I.B.11; I.D.12; IV.B.11
Participants will discuss intern learning styles and developmental levels during training to inform decisions about assignments and professional goals.
I.D.12; IV. B.4; IV.B.11

These courses are designed for board certified music therapists. A current CBMT number is required for all therapists seeking credit from the Certification Board for Music Therapists.

International participants (not board certified) may complete the course for credit but will receive a CBMT certificate with a letter of explanation of how CMTEs are calculated. will NOT offer continuing education credits for other music therapy agencies, credentialing bodies, or associations other than CBMT.

Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC (Master of Music Education with Certificate in Music Therapy, Music Therapist- Board Certified) is the owner of, offering products and webinars for music therapists. She is involved with the Online Conference for Music Therapists and serves as an internship director and a full-time music therapist for persons with developmental and psychiatric concerns.

Course Schedule and Format:
It is anticipated that this course will be presented in three, 2.5 hour chunks of time over a weekend. The schedule will change based on participant demands – so, all 500 minutes may be presented over the course of one or two days, if that is what is requested by attendees. In rare cases, these presentations may be split up more, if weekly sessions are more practical.
Day One: Competent Supervision
00:00-00:10 – Introduction to topic and presenter
00:10-00:20 – Review of CBMT Requirements for CMTEs
00:20-00:30 – Attendee Poll #1 – gathering demographic information and discussion
00:30-00:40 – What is Competency-Based Education and Clinical Training? (C-BCT)
00:40-01:00 – Developmental Stages of Learning
01:00-01:20 – Supervisor Roles based on Stages of Learning and Learning Styles
01:20-01:40 – Evaluation of Skills within C-BCT
01:40-02:00 – Cultural Considerations
02:00-02:20 – Supervisor Roles
02:20-02:45 – Review of homework for next session – Download and read AMTA Code of Ethics and CBMT Board Certification Domains

Day Two: Being a Gatekeeper: Remaining within ethical expectations while teaching and mentoring others
00:00-00:10 – Introduction to topic and review of CBMT expectations
00:10-00:20 – Review and discussion about AMTA Code of Ethics (CoE) and CBMT Board Certification Domains
00:20-00:30 – Attendee Poll #2 – Questions about the CoE
00:30-01:10 – Dileo’s Model and new North Carolina Model
01:10-01:20 – Intern Dilemma
01:20-02:00 – The Ethics of Internships – stipend vs. salary vs. unpaid; education responsibility; guidelines outside of music therapy profession
02:00-02:20 – Scenarios ad Discussion
02:20-02:45 – Review of homework for next session – Download AMTA Professional Competencies and C-BCT template

Day Three: Fostering Growth in All Interns: Developmental considerations
00:00-00:10 – Introduction to topic and review of CBMT expectations
00:10-00:20 – Attendee Poll #3 – Questions about specific training for interns – participant-offered scenarios
00:20-00:30 – C-BCT – Delving into the structure
00:30-01:00 – AMTA Professional Competencies – overview and discussion about training
01:00-02:00 – Competency-Based Operational Definitions
02:00-02:20 – Discussion of other topics
02:20-02:45 – CBMT requirements and conclusion

Number of CMTEs Offered: Ten (10) CMTEs.
Course Cost:
Live Event Cost: $100.00
Recording Event Cost: $120.00

Cancellation and Refund Policy:
No refunds will be offered after information on accessing the modules (including user names and passwords) is sent to the participant.

Statement of Relationship: is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 10 Continuing Music Therapy Education Credits. (#P-165) maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.


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