Wash Your Hands...Wash Your Hands...

It is officially illness season at my workplace. We are currently battling several versions of ick that are going around, and it is not unusual for kids to be sleeping when they should be schooling. We are all doing everything possible to stay healthy and not succumb to the germs that are happening.

As a result, the mantra that became this title keeps going through my head.

I, of course, have several songs that reinforce this concept of hand washing, and they are on repeat in my brain. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a side effect of whatever is happening around me, but those songs are on repeat.

This also means lots of instrument cleaning. I think I will avoid materials that need to be touched and shared this week in my session strategizing. I'm not sure that everyone holding instruments is a good idea.

Short post this morning - mainly because I am out of things to say about this topic and have lots to do this morning - wash your hands!

Wash, wash, wash your hands...
This is the way we wash our hands...
You gotta wash...

They just go on and on and on and on.


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