Lessons Learned - And Learned - And Learned Again

I really should know better than to set myself a creative goal and then publish it for others to see. That's always the time that I get caught up in my own issues and can't get things accomplished, but I do this over and over again! This is a lesson that doesn't stick in my brain for some reason. So, I relearn this lesson and then go out to do the exact same thing again...and again...

I have made some progress on my current Composition File Folder project. I've put together two examples, have filmed almost all that I need to film, and tried to figure out how to take time lapse photos of the process. That last bit didn't work out as well as I would like, so I'm going to try some more photos as I work on the third example (there are six all together!). The actual project is coming along. I am almost to the laminating part! I still need the still photos for my TPT file, but that's the only thing that is keeping me from publishing the entire file. 

Here are some of the stills, illustrating this particular process...

The last two are from the time lapse process - there were supposed to be many more, but I don't think I have the timing quite right yet. I'm sure that there are other ways to do this other than what I have going right now, but I haven't made this a priority yet. I'll put it on my list for this evening.

I am hoping that the finished files and videos will be up and ready by the end of this week, but I have a 12-hour day on Wednesday and a longer day to work at both of my primary jobs on Thursday, so I may not make it! 

...and, I'm trying to be okay with that idea...of not making it.


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