It is Friday again. Tomorrow is my day of rest. I have to take the cat to the vet, go to my local store to get my allergy medications, and grocery shop for the week. After that, I have lots of work to do to catch up with my current business challenges - I got behind the last several evenings.

But, today is Friday, so it is time to focus on some fun things. This week, we have been hosting a prospective intern and using drums to foster community, make some noise, and to have some fun. We have all been stressed by various illnesses, folks not feeling well, and lots of folks trying to sleep, so getting up and moving was the best option for us all this week! We threw things at drums. We make SO much noise! It was exhilarating!! My favorite part was the hand massages I got when I placed my hands about an inch off the top of the gathering drums' heads while kids were drumming - that felt SO good on my tired bodies. I'd like a way to get that sort of sonic massage over my entire body - no one has to touch me, and I can get the tactile sensation that I crave! I wonder if there is a way to suspend a person above a drum circle...hmmm.

We're going to continue the theme of fostering community by playing games in music therapy next week. I am going through my file folder archives to pull out games that I made a long time ago. I have so many things that I've made over the years that I don't use nearly enough in my day to day clinical life, so it is time to get them out again and use them!! I have games that include matching instruments, and hopping like frogs, and sorting instruments by family, and doing motor stunts, and you name it! I have composition games and lyric games, and formal (AKA: not made by me) card games. We can play music note WAR or Slapjack with my sets of note cards.

So, I am going to spend some of my Saturday getting all the file folder and card games out of storage, brushing them up, making them stronger or more colorful or better in some way. I have lots of new laminating pouches, so I can do lots of projects on this Saturday...or, I can take naps. I may just take naps!!

So, my fun Friday thoughts will seep over into my Saturday.

What was the most fun part of your music therapy week? Let me know in the comments below!


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