I'm Learning So Much About So Many Things Right Now

This has been a season of learning for me. I am trying to learn about subjects that are pretty unfamiliar to me, and I am setting myself some very concrete goals. This is partly due to a feeling of ennui (isn't that so much more intriguing than the word "boring?" I love the French term!!) and partly due to a need to do more as a music therapist. My personal word for this year is "courage," and my word for the school year is "renewal," so I'm feeling that my current trend towards studying and my quest for self-improvement fits within my understanding of both words.

I have decided to take a year off from presenting at AMTA conferences. This came about because I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to present when it was proposal time, and I was engaging in so many anxious behaviors centered around this time and topic, that I made the decision NOT to propose anything in favor of taking at least a year off. This had nothing to do with costs of conference or anything other than me - I'm just bored with the same old presentations offered by the same old people, and that statement includes me and my presentations! So, my decision not to offer a proposal led me to the conclusion that I really don't need the CMTEs for attending a conference that just doesn't get me fired up anymore, so I will not be going this November. This is the first time since 1996 that I've missed a conference, and I've almost come to peace with that decision - almost. 

To fill my learning gap, I'm taking a course on music therapy small business ventures, I'm looking for books to read that are related to this topic (I have several on my reading to-do list already, but I am looking for more.) I'm starting to offer webinars again. I am revamping my website (in bits and pieces), and I'm making plans to try to be an exhibitor at a conference somewhere this year (my home regional conference is within driving distance, so I can pack up all my stuff and drive it there - looks like I know where I'll be going - beautiful Lincoln, Nebraska!!). I've decided that this is one of my goals for the year - trying an exhibit to see if this is something that will work for me and my goals. All of this is inspired by the course that I'm taking and the comments of some very dedicated music therapists out there (some of you! Thank you!!). It's stimulating lots of ideas and many, MANY projects!

My most major difficulty is that I get lots of ideas - too many to manifest when they arrive in my bran. This is one of the reasons that bullet journaling works so well for me - I can put everything on paper, and then it is there for the times when I can do something about all that stuff. I have a page for theme ideas, another for my course considerations, others for other topics - I need to start one for an exhibit booth. It's time to dream big and do small things.

My small thing for this morning is to start my exhibit hall page. I'll start dreaming big through completing my small thing.

So, what are you reading and learning about these days? Let me know in the comments!!


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