Thoughtful Thursday: I'm Humbled to Accept That You Now Follow Me on Twitter...

Do you ever have an "ultimate fan" moment? You know, the type of request on social media that just makes you feel a bit excited and very humbled and somewhat curious about why someone wants to connect with you? A retired music therapist (who isn't really all that retired, just on to different adventures around the world) just posted that she had such a moment, and I just had one, too!

Now, this wasn't a huge thing, but it is a step closer to something that I really wanted to be part of, but wasn't nominated for - it was my own fault, really - I didn't let anyone know that I really wanted to be part of this big step for our professional organization, but I still really wanted to be remembered and part of this process. Maybe someday...

Anyway, I went over to one of my social media accounts today and found that the Commission on Education and Clinical Training (I refuse to use the rest of the commission's title because I think we should be forward thinking rather than "right now" thinking - just a little picky deal on my end) followed me! Sure, I was one of 92 accounts that they followed, but THEY followed ME!


This is similar to having my "ultimate fan" moment with Clive Robbins who walked past one of my displays and then did a double-take and came back to talk to me about the things that I was sharing. We shared a wonderful 10 minutes of conversation, and I spent the entire time internally squealing because, I mean, CLIVE ROBBINS!

Now, I've been a music therapist for over two decades, and I still have my moments of awe when a music therapy "name" knows who I am or sits down and talks to me about something. It always makes me think about my personal music therapy mentors and the ways that they affected my life as a music therapist - both in good and not-so-good ways.

I also get a thrill when someone looks a my name tag and then says, "Oh, I know you. I read your blog/went to your intern webinar/liked your emails to internship directors/etc." WOW! It is such a humbling experience to know that someone out there is interested in what I have to say. I experience the same thing when someone comments on anything that I've written. Thank you for reading what I have to say about this profession and about how I fit into it.

The Commission (that title is SUCH a mouthful) met this last week to start their important work of thinking about the educational and clinical training of music therapists. I hope that they are considering all the things that were brought up during the Master's Level Entry debate decade as well as practical considerations of music therapists in the field providing students with the invaluable clinical experience (NOTE: this is ME!), often without any sort of financial benefit and lots of extra work. 

I can't wait to see their first tweet! What's going on??

Thanks for following me!


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