Courage: Again, My Word of the Year Helps Me Move Forward

At the beginning of this year, I selected a word to act as a focus tool. I wrote it in my start of the year 2019 pages and have added some notes about what this means to me since then. I also added a graphic on the other page that exemplified this particular word to me. In the picture, there is a stylized person standing on the edge of a cliff which is labeled "What We Are." There is a gap and another cliff. The gap is labeled "Leap of Faith" and the other cliff is labeled "What We Want to Be." (I do not know who the original artist is, so I'm not going to put a picture of this graphic here on my blog - I insist on being able to source all materials presented! It's a copyright thing, you know!) The graphic really spoke to me since the person standing on the cliff is looking down over the cliff into that leap of faith. I very much identify with that lonely figure at the edge of "What We Are."

I took another leap of faith yesterday when I decided to spend quite a bit of money on something that will benefit no one but me in the short term and maybe others in the long term. Maybe.

I'm going to be a bit cryptic about this because I'm still a bit scared about what I did, but I know that it will be something that will challenge me in the near future. I need that challenge. Also, since I decided not to go to the AMTA national conference this year, I have some money that I can use for things like personal and professional development, and I have some time to use to devote to my continuing education this year. Hooray! 

This idea of choosing a word for the year is one that I will continue. I've already selected my word for the school year for my work thoughts - Renewal. Courage has been a good word for me - it has spurred me into making decisions that I would never have made before, and I think it will lead me into new possibilities for the second half of this calendar year.

I find it interesting what I added to this page...

"For me, courage means breaking out of my detrimental patterns and taking some risks to expand my horizons. It's time to get out more into the world."

This time around, I think I'll add...

"When your gut says, 'Ooh, I'm scared of that,' it may be the right time to take that leap. Nothing ever grows staying exactly the same - everything that grows has to change."

Another baby step forward towards an uncertain future.

Yay, me!

What courageous step are you going to take today to help the future you do what you want to do?


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