Another Use for My Bullet Journal - Theme Brainstorming

I enjoy using a bullet journal for many aspects of my life, and session strategizing is no different! I have a couple of journals that I use on a regular basis - there's my home journal, my work journal, and a collections journal. Today we are going to focus on my collections journal. To put it simply, a collections journal is where you keep lists of things that aren't time bound. My collections journal is where I keep my lists of movies I want to see and my bucket list and just a variety of thoughts. It occurred to me that this journal would be perfect for storing my session theme brainstorming ideas! Off I went into the process of recording my ideas!! I am going to allow myself to doodle and brainstorm on these pages, so I decided on using a two-page spread for each theme. If the pages get filled up, I'll thread the pages to the next set of pages (threading is where you indicate the next page that relates. It looks like this: 47-->52). I will sketch out my songwr...