Too Much...

I fell on Sunday, spraining parts of the left side of my body and bruising part of the right side of my body. I gathered together my bruised, aching self and went to work where I spent the entire day in pain because I had no liquid I could drink to take the Tylenol that I had in my bag (long story about why I had nothing I could drink). Kids kept asking for hugs and high fives and the like, and I had to disappoint them every time because even thinking about skin contact made me hurt.

Today is worse.

I woke up at 2:30 am in pain. I decided that I would be in a better position to serve my clients if I got all of this addressed today, so I am taking the day off to get to the chiropractor and/or the doctor to get myself checked over.

I have a high pain threshold, so the fact that I am so miserable and in pain right now means that I really messed myself up. I can feel the after effects of my fall in all of my joints. Holding the guitar hurts. Standing hurts, sitting hurts, reclining hurts. This is my limit - this is my "this is too much and HAS to be addressed right now" limit.

Okay, I need to focus on something else now. By focusing on something else, I hope that I can change my body focus to a something else focus. Let's see - what can I tell you about yesterday...

Other than limping around, the day went pretty well. I forgot that the first group of the day was mine (all other days, my intern starts us off!), so I was wondering why she wasn't getting ready. She was wondering the same thing about me. Fortunately, I was engaged in session strategizing, so I had my materials thought out and identified, so I hopped to it and pulled out everything that I wanted about 20 seconds before the group arrived. Bit frazzled, but things went okay. One of my clients had a meltdown, and I was in the way - I was the target of the meltdown and the aggression, so it wasn't the best session, but I managed to maintain my composure until I was in my office. Our second group came with some staff members who really don't know the students very well, so I came out of my office to assist my intern with behavior management issues. My last group of the day is our brand new intake classroom. We now have one place where our new students go for educational purposes. They come and go, and the classroom is where we are starting to develop their treatment and educational plans. We've been doing this for exactly one week now, and this was my second session with three of the clients and my first session with one of the others. We did a tour of the music therapy room yesterday. I showed them the cabinets and their innards, and I watched to see what attracted their attention. I'm not sure that my regular way of doing groups at my facility will work with an ever-changing population of clients, but I'm giving it a chance. I think I may have to change lots of things to accommodate all the new students within their own levels of interest, experience, and education - ESPECIALLY since folks will be coming and going on an ever changing basis. Overall, my client interactions were positive and not out of the ordinary for a Monday.

I did not manage a "NTM" TME yesterday, but I did pull out some materials that I've had for a long time and haven't used before. I think I'll make that count in my database - new use for materials. The TME didn't really go as planned - this was what I was running while the client I mentioned above was in a crisis situation, but I think it will work better at other times.

Today's goal is to get put back into alignment, decrease my pain perception, and get ready to go back to work tomorrow. I will make some lunches for tomorrow and Thursday - that certainly won't be too strenuous, and I'll spend some time printing things off and cutting things out - at least, I think I will - we shall see. I found lots of things on Teachers Pay Teachers this last weekend that I want to start making so I can use them in my music therapy sessions. That might be a good use of my time here at home. We will see. 

For the moment, I am going to take some Tylenol and seek out some pain relief patches for my most achy spots while I wait for a call from the chiropractor about an appointment today. If that can't happen, I'm heading to the doctor (I may go there anyway) for something to help me. It's time to stop sitting here and start my day. See you later!


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