Thoughtful Thursday: Back to the Index Cards

One of my cards - the formal, neat, and finished version.
If you have read this blog for a long time, you know that I started out writing all of my therapeutic music experiences (TMEs) on 4X6 inch index cards. I did that because that is how my first TME writing assignment was given - we had to use cards because that was what was readily available to us at the time. We got to choose which size card we wanted, so I chose 4X6 inch cards because they were the perfect size to sit on the sides of my guitar. This was before I found my need for super-sticky post-it notes (another tool that I love!). 

I have made an effort to use my favorite and longest lasting music therapy tool this week - my index cards.

While I've been sitting at my desk, watching my intern lead her sessions and thinking about my "NTM" TME challenge, I've been pulling out some index cards for notes. I've started lists, I've written lyrics, I've jotted down adaptation ideas. All of those things are placed on my cards. They are starting to pile up as I come up with new ideas and more things to write about. It is wonderful!!

Now, my index card use has adapted and changed over the years. I now use my index cards to arrange my ideas and then I put everything into my electronic format now. In the olden days, I would use one index card for development and then do a more formal (and neater) copy that included all of the information that I now include in my electronic database. I still have my boxes of cards (which I am trying to scan into my database, but I'm doing that very slowly...), and I have blank cards ready to use at any time.

There is something really nice about writing my ideas out on paper rather than using the computer. I like having something that is not reliant on electricity or wi-fi, and I like writing. I enjoy taking notes, and I like using my hands to create things. Writing is a good exercise for me, and it is something that I haven't done all that frequently lately. Now, I mean the actual process of taking a pen or pencil and writing things down in my own unique handwriting - not the act of coming up with words and putting them together (even though I enjoy that process as well). I've recently made hand journaling at work a priority for me and my processing technique, and the ability to use my words in my handwriting to express my emotions is nice. I also doodle in my work journal - whatever works to allow me to express what I want to express.

But, I digress...

I am using both my preferred 4X6 inch and the larger 5X8 inch sized cards for my current spate of brainstorming. I have a list of songs for specific coping skills, I have outlined a calendar for coping skill discussion/TMEs, and started off on many tangents from there. "Oh, look at that thought - get ANOTHER index card and write it down!!" It is easy to get a stack of cards started pretty quickly, and at a penny a card, I can afford to shred one or two when I mess things up.

In addition, I have used index cards for all sorts of things. They are the perfect size for many of my storage containers, so I use them as the base for many of my smaller visual aids. I use them for notes and for doodling. I use them for magic tricks and reminder notes. I use my index cards for just about everything. They are portable and versatile, and I am enjoying my foray back into the world that is the most familiar to me.

I wonder what my stack of index cards will look like after observing three sessions today. I can't wait to find out!!


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