The 36-hour Migraine Haze

At about 10:30am on Monday morning, I started getting some sparkles in my field of vision. This particular phenomenon is called an ocular migraine, and I've been getting them more frequently since I've started doing chiropractic care a bit more routinely. I tried to stick out the occlusion of my field of vision (everything goes sparkly and I cannot see for a period of time) and the subsequent headache (ended up wearing a sweatshirt, headphones, and sunglasses) and then the fire drill happened. I very nearly cried when the alarm when off, but I did the safe thing and led the class of adolescents and young adults out to our evacuation site. It was about then that I realized that I wasn't going to be able to stay at work and actually get anything done. I had to go home. I put on two pairs of sunglasses and headed off into the bright spring day to crawl into my bed.

I cannot take anything for my migraines. I have to just go through them, so I do. It usually takes me about 24 hours to get over all of the symptoms - the extreme temperature changes - I get both the sweats and the chills, sometimes at the same time - the headache, the sensitivity to light and sounds. Sometimes I can tolerate the pain and still do my job, sometimes I cannot. Unfortunately, I can't tell which situation will happen when the sparkles start, so I have to wait until the headache starts to decide what I will do next.

This past headache was one that came with all the symptoms, so it was better that I return home to wait it out rather than try to work through it. 

Yesterday, the headache was still holding on as were the sound and light sensitivities and a fun addition - vertigo! Now, I live with vertigo on a pretty regular basis, and I know that staying put is always the best option when I have attacks. I called out from work again. I remained in my pajamas for most of the day, but I did have to go to the post office and then purchase kitty litter, so I got out for about an hour. I had to hunker down with my double pair of sunglasses and my several layers. I had a couple of vertigo attacks as I was in the post office and the store, but I was able to remain upright and move forward. It reinforced my decision to stay home and either in bed or on the sofa.

I am finally feeling better. I am less affected by temperature swings, and I can look towards the light without stabbing pains in my head. That is good. I'll be able to get back into my routine. This is Talent Show week, so I'll be working my regular schedule on Friday to do that job. I am pleased to be getting back into the routine of work today. Let's hope it will be okay...


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