Stuck in a a a Rut...

How many of you have never experienced the repetition and predictability of a record album with a scratch on it? Actually, don't tell me if you haven't had that particular experience. I think it would just make me feel old. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, back in the olden days, we had these things called "records." After use, they occasionally got scratched and if the scratch changed the grooves on the records, the needle that translated the grooves into sounds would skip grooves or return to one place on the record. If you didn't jog the needle out of the scratch into a complete groove, the same part of the music would repeat over and over again.

February feels like a scratched record to me. It always has, ever since I moved to Kansas. I never really felt this way about February when I lived in California, but Kansas and February wear on me in a way that March and Kansas do not. 

February is the month where we have the most inclement weather days. February is the month where we spend most of our time out of our regular schedule. February is the month where we never know if what we depend on as expectation or routine is actually going to happen, and that is why February feels like a broken record to me.

I just checked the school closings and it seems that there is a chance that we will have yet another inclement weather day today. There is absolutely nothing on the radar, yet schools are closing.

Here we go again - stuck in a rut. Today is supposed to be a 12-hour day for us - 8 hours with kids and then an additional 4 hours in inservice training. Since I have a Wednesday evening part-time job, I will leave after 10 hours. I've already worked the additional two hours that I need to work to make up my 44-hour work week. The problem? All of these plans will be moot if we have another inclement weather day, and I will have worked extra time for no reason at all.

My interns have designed some centers for use during our next inclement weather day. I am hoping that we don't have to use them, but it is not looking good. So, good things about this - everything is planned. Bad thing about this - another interruption to our schedule in this horribly long month.

Well, gotta go trudge to work on this possibly inclement weather day. See you on the other side of the possibilities.


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