One Foot In Front of the Other

It is another snow day here in my neck of the woods. I am getting ready to head out a bit early so I can get to work. We'll see if I am successful or not. I'm not looking forward to going out, but both of my interns have obligations to do, and they don't go to work if I don't go to work on these inclement weather days. MY rule is that I don't do ice. I need to put on my clothes (rather than my pjs), layer on the cold weather gear, and go outside to see how much ice there is out there - that will help me make my decision about whether I chance it today or not. (There is an inch of snow covering about two inches of slush out there right now.) All of my roads are completely covered which means icy conditions and snow covered roads the entire way to work. I hate missing snow days, but I also hate sitting in ditches (which I've done on one of these days) and having thousands of dollars worth of car repairs (which I've done on a day that should have been an inclement weather day but WASN'T for some reason).

Cue the guilt. Now my guilt isn't based on whether or not my clients will get music therapy services today. It's all centered in the other stuff - the obligations that my interns have - but safety has to outweigh obligations. It just has to.

I'm calling this yet another safety day. It will probably end without incident, but I would rather that happen than get stuck somewhere.

So, now that I've sent out emails and texts to the people who need to know, it is time to plan my day. I think I may end up going back to bed for a bit. I am very tired, and this stress/guilt-ridden morning hasn't helped with the exhaustion. I also have some home chores that need to be done - dishes, laundry, vacuuming - you know the type. I will try to get the dishes done today. That will be a good goal. I'll make the dishes my focus for today.

When I get into a mood like this one, I find that the best thing for it is to spend time focusing on small steps forward.

Here's a huge secret about me - I really dislike (it's more than dislike, but I'm trying to be gentle here) the traditional stop animation films that usually come out around the holiday time.

Unfortunately, this song sticks in my head. It really does help me get through the days like this one. If it gets stuck in your head, then I apologize, but you now get a glimpse in what my head feels like on a regular basis...
So, I am going to put one foot in front of the other today. First step, making a decision that is best for me and for those who volunteer to learn from and with me. Second step, going back to bed for a bit. Third step, enjoying the day as it comes rather than struggling to travel. Fourth step, keeping the momentum going - dishes, dishes, laundry, clean the kitchen.

I may even figure out the chords to this song and write a TME about it. I think that there are clinical applications to this song for my clients.

Last thing - I got my Music in Motion Spring 2019 catalog today, so I'm going to do some dream shopping! I have $150.00 of school money to spend and a bit of my own that I could use to get some cool stuff. (This is my favorite catalog of the year!!) Dream-shopping on a snow day - this will work.

One foot...


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