Fun Friday - Here I Go Again...

I am going to try an abbreviated day again today. The plan is that I will take 3 hours off my regular schedule and work from 9-2 today. Last week's plan to do the exact same thing was thwarted by a last minute school cancellation by the superintendent. Today it looks like I'll be able to carry out the plan - there are no school closings in the area, and the temperature is 28 degrees Fahrenheit with a high of 40 as the forecast. There is a chance of afternoon rain showers, but it should only be rain as the temperatures will be above the freezing mark.

I'm saying all this because I have a need to reassure myself that I will get to enjoy some time off today. The last time I wrote this down, the superintendent did his thing and changed everything. I think I'll go check the closing list again..."about 0 school listings found."

I will now start to decide what my Fun Friday will look like. These are not in any particular order...
  • Breakfast of some sort. Maybe some chicken spinach soup? Maybe a ham sandwich? I'm not sure what it will be, but I'll have a little bit of something.
  • Finishing a Teachers Pay Teachers project for publication. I need to take some pictures so I can finish up my project.
  • Watching silly television - Currently, my silly television watching includes cartoons like The Deep or Spy Kids: Mission Critical. These are things that I can put on as background noise as I work on other projects.
  • One load of laundry - for obvious reasons, of course.
  • Picking something up and putting it where it belongs. If I do this a bit more often, then my "stuff" problem will go away.
  • Dressing in my work uniform and leaving my house at 8:15am.
Sound like fun? 

I also want to finish up a project to be sent to one lucky nominated music therapist, and I may even be able to send it out into the world today as I leave work. That would get another thing crossed off my list!

This is nothing all that important in the scheme of world events or happenings, but having this time is very important to the health and well-being of this particular music therapist and has a small effect on the people that I serve.

Do you have a Fun routine for yourself? Mine is usually what I listed above - time and time to do some chores around my home. I am enjoying the idea of having some extra time to do some of these tasks this morning (as I go check the closings one more time? Must resist...). So, it's time to get started.

Happy Fun day, everyone. I hope that you can find some fun in your day.


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