My Path Forward...

All journeys take unexpected twists and turns.
I have finished my first music therapy challenge of the new year. I'm thinking this may be something that I pursue more often as the challenges that I have completed have really helped me figure some things out. The problem with challenges is that they illustrate to me just how much I do not know about getting to my destinations, but they all have served to illuminate a new part of the path. (I'm still very much mired within my mind map concept, and I'll be working on making that map a reality later this morning - I took an important step this morning on getting some roadside assistance, as it were, so things will be moving!)

I made some good decisions and progress on my journey this week. I know what I want to do, and I have visualized my end goal. I know what I want to do with my time, my energy, my attention, and my resources. I know what I want, and I am starting to figure out the way I'll be getting there.

Step One: Courage
Step Two: Commitment
Step Three: Leaving the Familiar for the Unknown

I am in between steps one and two at the moment. I am mustering my courage and starting to make my commitments to the others who will help me on my way. I am getting started on leaving the familiar - this is the hardest part for me in every journey - stepping out into mysterious situations.

Well, since today is already a day of courage for me, I think I'll continue the trend and write up two proposals for presentations and a possible trip. I'll send them out tomorrow to the interested parties and see what happens. As I told my senior intern yesterday, if you don't offer things to folks, you will never know if they want them or not. So, it is time to offer some suggestions to specific folks to see what happens. Will this be part of my journey? Of course it will! It will either change the path to my destination or it will be a possible side trip.

(I am really getting into this analogy - I like the idea of a many possibilities for my mind map...)

It is almost time for me to go out to scrape snow off my car so I can get my appointments over with and get back to my courageous process. I'm going to spend some time metaphorically packing my bags and literally working on various projects in order to take those first steps out of comfort into more. Who knows how long it will take, but I'm getting started.

Start your own journey. I think it will be a grand adventure!!


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