Sunday - I Can't Really Think at the Moment, So Here I Go...

My view every morning...
Today is just a Sunday for me - not a Song Conversion Sunday or a Synthesis Sunday - just a Sunday. What is the reason, you may ask? Well, it is the last day of the AMTA annual conference, and I am getting tired. 

I am so very glad that I came to conference. I always am during and after the conference itself.

This conference has been one of significant growth for me. I have stepped outside my comfort zone many times this year, and that is something so very exciting (after it stopped being scary). I've made one new Facebook friend, talked to folks about new opportunities and ideas that I have for myself and for others, and have given out several small stacks of business cards. I made a goal-based paper chain last night in the art room (that HAS to continue - it was perfect for me to be creating something in a space with others and without much constraint!) - I even got an invitation to submit a presentation for the annual Art Therapy conference next year (which is conveniently located near me!). This has been a conference full of validation and challenge and thought and reflection.

This is why I am so full.

I love it when these conferences stimulate, reinforce, and challenge my ideas and concepts of what music therapy is, should be, and will be as long as we keep working together.

This has been that type of conference.

This has been a conference for making plans. Last year's conference was good for me because it spurred me to accomplish goals that I've had for two decades. This year's conference is allowing me to put these goals in the forefront of my attention and dedication. I have a direction thanks to the conversations I've had with people here in Dallas. I know where I want to go next. I've been discussing new ideas and concepts with people I trust to tell me straight about ideas. I was invited to be part of the national Passages session next year. I am so excited about the things that are happening in my music therapy life, and it is conference that helps me find that excitement and renewal.

I know many music therapists who do not attend conferences. For me, it is never really an option. I need this time to be a music therapy professional in the company of other music therapists. I can spend time around people who "get" what I do during my daily routine. I don't have to explain my job during this week. I get to spend all my time talking about new situations and new ideas. I get to hear what other people are doing, and I figure out what I want to be doing at this time next year. The experience that I get from being here is invaluable to me as a music therapist. 

I get to make this conference a priority in my life. I have that luxury because I don't have to navigate the needs of more than just me. I know that there are many others who can't attend because of things like family obligations, difficulty with paying for the costs, and many other issues that arise. I don't have to worry about those things, so I have the opportunity to make this conference something that has to happen rather than something that I'd like to do every so often.

I've had years where I had to eat ramen noodles for months in order to afford this week of learning. I've had other years where I wasn't sure if I would be able to make it, but I've always figured it out. This is because I get so much return on my investment in myself and my learning. I will keep attending as long as I can.

Today's plan is to go present to my audience (see you at 8am?), take things to the car, and take off for home. I'm not sure how long I'll stay. I kinda like the idea of getting on the road earlier rather than later - it would be nice to get home before it is completely dark, but I don't think that is actually possible these days. I have a new Facebook friend who is willing to share her presentation information with me, so I think I'll take her up on that offer - but, that may change depending on how I feel after my session. That is the very nice thing about being able to drive to conference - I can go when I want to go instead of having to get to an airport.

Next year, we will be gathering in Minneapolis to share and refresh and collaborate. I'm hoping that I'll be doing some more product-related things (maybe an exhibit?) and will still be sharing and learning from others. For now, though, it is time to finish up this conference and get back to my home and my cat and my holiday routine.

It is time. Dallas, it's been fun, but I need to get back to my life of music therapy.


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