It is Wednesday...Right??

One of the things that I like about conference time is that I end up spending time a bit confused about what day it is. It's kind of nice not to know exactly what day it is, but it is still a bit disconcerting. I'm still a bit confused by what day it is. I thought it was Saturday this morning for a bit. I am now on the straight and narrow, so I know that it is Wednesday.

It is, right?

I spent most of my day on Monday sitting in my bed in my pjs. I switched my idea notebook into a lefty-arranged notebook (why haven't I done this before? It is now so much better than it was on Sunday!!) and arranged it a bit more so I can use it more readily. I thinned out the papers that I had collected over the years and arranged them in into new categories for my website and my creative production. I also added some new post-it notes and pens for use.

I use that book as a brain dump (skeezy bullet journaling terminology). I write down all the thoughts that come into my mind about things like webinars, courses, Music Therapy Morsels, TME Tuesday videos, TME ideas, and presentation rough drafts. I have lots of ideas that rattle around in my head, and this notebook is my place to collect them all. 

I am currently involved in a Session Planning Extravaganza over at Music Sparks. (I know, I know, this has been the season of challenges for me - first a video challenge, then a song swap, and now a Session Planning Extravaganza - where will it end?? I don't know - I REALLY don't know!!). I am using my new notebook format to organize my thoughts for this extravaganza and am putting a bunch of new ideas together for sing about songs.

This "out-of-time" feeling is a really good one for me. Having a stretch of time where I have no obligations to anyone other than myself makes me connect with my creativity in ways that I just cannot do when I am calendar-bound. This, more than anything else in my life, is the importance of self-care for a therapist. Finding your creativity and being able to do something about it is so important (for me!).

I am looking forward to three more days of Thanksgiving holiday time before I head back into the stresses and pressures of the upcoming month. I will spend my time trying to be creative, trying to be mindful, and being thankful for everything that happens in my life.

I hope you have ways to find this "out-of-time" feeling at some point. It's wonderful for a time.


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