Moving Into Monday

I admit it. I did not want to acknowledge the fact that it was morning this morning. I awoke, thinking that it was still early (it wasn't) and hoping that I had some time to just be quiet in the dark (I didn't). I looked at the time - found that it was 30 minutes later than I usually wake up, and had to get started.

I fed the cat, got some cold water, and sat down at the computer to check email and various and sundry other stuff. My day started off with some good email news, so I am now sitting here, wondering if the rest of my day will go like this morning - ups, downs, and things coming at me sideways. It probably will, and that is Monday. That's the way it is most of the time.

I have two groups to run, two individuals to work with, and two interns to oversee today. I have two new games to teach to my clients (tomorrow), and lots of ideas in development. I have a relatively clean desk (here at home and somewhat at work), and the drive to write some new music and some new therapeutic music experiences (TMEs).

Monday is a time for starting over.

The week is ahead and there are good reasons to feel optimistic on Mondays. Who knows what will happen this week? I don't. I have some hopes, but who knows if those hopes will become reality. I'll get what I get out of this week.

In the quiet hours of this Monday morning, I find myself thinking about possibilities rather than dreading going to work. That's such a welcome attitude that I am enjoying it.

I spent yesterday doing things that needed to be done. You know those types of things - the pesky little things that just need to happen - changing the water filters, putting new batteries in the clock, updating my chore list in my bullet journal, and other things that I just hadn't done. I start the week with those things accomplished and with a good night's sleep behind me (thank goodness for allergy medications that knock me out). Now it is time to head out into this Monday. 


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