Thoughtful Thursday: Finding My Path - Even After 25 Years

I'm a bit sick and very exhausted today, so I am in a bit of a funk. I refuse to dwell on that today, though. I'm tired of thinking about how tired my body and brain are feeling right now, so I am going to think about other things.

I am on a music therapy journey. So are you, if you are reading this post. I am pretty far on my journey, but I was at the same place that you are at one point (unless you have done this longer than I have, and then I am looking forward to that part of the journey...). I continue to find my way through this profession that we call "Music Therapy."

I'm currently working on a music therapy map - something that helps me visualize the process of becoming and being a music therapist. At the moment, the map is only concerned with internship milestones, but it could expand dramatically to include other periods of time - education, entry-level professional, seasoned professional, mentor, you get the idea.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of welcoming a music therapy student into some of my sessions. I think it may have been an internship vetting process, but I'm not exactly sure about that. This student contacted me about getting some observation time outside of the requirements of the educational program. We are located an hour away from two music therapy educational programs, so I am always welcoming of students. I remember wanting to see more music therapy at the start of my journey. I never really saw a therapist doing music therapy before my internship - just student music therapists finding their ways just like me.

Anyway, the groups that this student observed were their typical difficult selves. No one had any company manners on AT ALL, and it was what it was. If that didn't scare this student off from returning and/or applying for an internship, that's a really important thing. We did have some good music therapy moments, but there were also screaming, hysterical kids and kids who were rude as well. My clients showed this student exactly why they were at our facility, and it was pretty darn perfect.

I remember the days of student music therapist. I remember thinking I knew everything there was to being a music therapist, but I also remember transitioning into internship stage and finding out that I knew very little. I remember the step from internship to entry-level professional and moving into the long journey that I'm on now.

The thing about being a music therapist is that it is not a short trip. You can't just decide one day to go to music therapy land and play a bit. You have to make plans, start the journey, and go until your journey in this profession is finished. For some of us, this is a life-long pilgrimage. For others, this is a shorter trip, and that's okay. Some of us reach a destination on this pilgrimage and think, "this is not where/what I want to be." Other think, "this is the place for me," and they never move from that place again. I'm not either of those people.

I'm a music therapy pilgrim. The definition of "pilgrim" is "a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons" ( It does kinda fit.

There are those of us who feel that being a music therapist is a calling. I know I do - I heard a distinct message when I first found out about music therapy. I just knew that my answer to the question, "what do you want to do when you grow up," would always be "music therapist" from the first moment I heard of the profession. I don't know that I would have ever found what I was looking for in a job if I wasn't able to use music as a therapeutic medium for people who respond. If I had never heard of music therapy, I probably would have gone into special education or occupational therapy, but I heard of this profession, and my journey began.

I'm a life-long pilgrim in this world. I am currently wandering through the part of my music therapy map that includes "internship mentor" and "starting to look for a place to retire" (that land is my sister's land - she has plans for me that start in about 8 years when she retires - I'm not sure that I want to go there quite yet...). I am also looking longingly at brochures for things like "music therapy travel" and "offering CMTEs to others." All of these are places on my path, and I am going to be traveling to those places - I will decide about staying once I get there. If they are not right for me, then I will move to the next destination in my music therapy journey.

If our paths cross, please share your current journey with me. I love to hear the experiences of others, no matter where you are - wandering around the world of education or finding a rest in retirement. What has your journey been like?

Smooth travels, all.


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