I Have Too Many Ideas

I woke up at 3am this morning with solutions to two projects that I am working on right now. Those ideas were just in my brain when I woke up, so I decided to record them before I forgot them. I reached for my many idea books and wrote down the solutions. This started me thinking about other things and other projects and ideas and things to do and appointments and all that. My brain started clicking, and I was unable to get back to sleep.

This happens to me every once in a while. My ideas just bubble up and spill over into just about everything. I have ideas about things I want to compose, things that I need to do, and things that I want to accomplish. I seem to be nothing but inspiration right now, and I think that's a good thing, but it's also exhausting!

What I need is a creative team to help me get things done. Anyone want to help? 

Over the years, I've filled idea book after idea book with concepts and strategies and song snippets and half-formed ideas and dreams. I look through them when I want something to do, and I use them when I have no new ideas. I've learned that the best ideas come to me in times like these when my brain is racing. These times also seem to coincide with the times in my life when I am not as able to complete many of these things.

At the moment, I am determined to accomplish at least one of the things that I woke up thinking about.

This will be in between the two appointments I have this morning, the two stores I need to go to for materials for other projects, and the organization that I absolutely HAVE to get done before I can do anything with the new projects.

Today is my only non-work day this week, so naturally I have crammed it full of stuff to do. I have no thoughts about cleaning (ugh), and I have no idea what I am going to eat for the next two days, but things need to be done, so I'll do them and then get back to my brain buzz projects.

Too many ideas.

To be honest, I like these periods of time much better than the ones that are more depressive. It is invigorating to have ideas. It is even better to be able to find ways to manifest those ideas and then get them accomplished.

I'm off to try to get something finished before my first appointment of this day off. I think I'll start with some breakfast and then organize my creativity desk...


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