A Day of Planning

I decided to go into work this morning to do some things without being paid for them. I have a horrible habit of not doing my documentation on Thursday afternoons - those afternoon groups just wear me out - so, rather than making myself do the notes and then forgetting to do them and remembering halfway home, I decided to plan my day around going in to do my notes and then taking the rest of the day to do some things I rarely do - namely, shop.

I'm ready. I don't have to go in at any particular time today, so I'll leave home when I'm ready. I'll go to my office, do some planning, finish my documentation from yesterday's sessions, and putter around until about 9 am when the first store opens. I'll shop there for stuff for my home until about 10 am when the next store opens. I'll finish up my shopping experience at that store (a teacher specialty store that's having a good sale today), get my fast food, and then go home. If I get distracted by something else, so be it! I can be distracted!!

Other than this plan, I have nothing to do for the rest of the weekend, which is lovely!

Today is the day that my first CMTE course goes live. You can find information at this link. I am going to spend some time this weekend making some promotional visuals and getting the word out about the course. 

For the moment, anyway, I am going to enjoy this leisurely day where I am not required to be any place at any specific time, and I am going to do what I want, when I want to do so. I love this idea, and may do it again next week - who knows? Start off my first day of vacation by going to work? I've done it before, and I will probably do it again, especially if it means getting things done in a manner that helps me out both physically and psychologically.

I think I'll start my day with some enchilada casserole and then figure out what step is next. See you soon!


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