Synthesis Sunday: Nope, Can't Do It

I'm really sorry if you arrived at this blog, looking for something about trauma-informed care today. I cannot do it. Not this week.

There is so much trauma being inflicted on innocent people these days that it seems to permeate every bit of my existence. Being prone to depression during these hot, humid, sunny days of summer, I am having to be more proactive about my moods than usual. I find myself in complete exhaustion all the time these days - some of that due to allergy reactions, some of that because it is difficult to feel motivated, some of that because I seem inherently lazy.

As much as I try, I cannot seem to escape the headlines of separation, trauma, and nasty interactions between people these days. Does it seem to anyone else that we are just turning mean and egocentric? Who cares if we hurt someone else as long as #1 is taken care of?? "I'm right and will always be right. There is no need for facts - my opinions are all that there is! If you disagree, then leave! There is no place for you here!"

Enough of that.

It does seem pretty strange that my reaction to all this going on in my country right now is to isolate myself in a cocoon of self-protection. A scene from The Good Place comes to mind where Shawn, the judge of all things, zips himself up into a cocoon to shield himself from emotion expressed by others. I feel like Shawn right now. Oh, happy thought - season two will be released in July!! I can't wait!! I've watched the first season about 20 times now!!! I'm ready for more!

Oh, happy thought!

The one thing I know for sure is that this season of stupid will not last forever. It will end just like the high temperature, high humidity, and bright, bright days will be a memory soon. In the meantime, I will be egocentric myself, watching my responses to things and finding my cocoon.

Peace, love, understanding, and graciousness to us all.


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